John Black wrote:
> Arne Stone wrote:
>> Hallo all,> 
>> Sorry for the n00b question!
>> I am busy learning PHP and from the eBook I copied this code:
>> When I open this in my browser I just see a blank screen not one of
>> echo's shows....What could be the problem?
> Make sure you have error reporting turned on when you are
> Open php.ini and uncomment the following, restart apache afterwards.
> error_reporting = E_ALL
> display_errors = On
> display_startup_errors = On
> log_errors = On
> Using error_reporting = E_All and making your code compatible with it
> will make your code more compatible.
Ouch, that is what I get for writing late at night :)

This was supposed to be:
Using error_reporting = E_ALL will make your code more compatible with
other php installations. No more "undefined" warnings and such....

Good night.


Hi found the problem.

My extension_dir was not set and also the php.ini was not set to
extension = php_mysql.dll... you can go "duhu..." now if you like :-)


Thanks for everyone's input.  


I must say it also helped me quite a lot switching these ON

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On

Discovery Holdings Limited

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