--- Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The following is working, but it's the first time I've used a table join, so
> I may have it all wrong.
> CREATE TABLE `familyhistory` (
>   `msg_id` bigint(14) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
>   `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
>   `family` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
>   `message` text NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`msg_id`),
> CREATE TABLE `familyreplies` (
>   `reply_id` bigint(14) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
>   `reply_date` bigint(14) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
>   `reply_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
>   `reply_message` text NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`reply_id`),
> My query statement:
> $sql =
> "
>   SELECT *,
>   DATE_FORMAT(msg_id,'%W %D %M %Y at %l:%i %p') AS msgdate
>   FROM familyhistory
>   LEFT JOIN familyreplies ON msg_id = reply_id
>   ORDER BY msg_id DESC
>   LIMIT $pageoffset, $maxperpage
> ";
> msg_id, reply_id and reply_date are TIMESTAMPs.
> There are no conflicting names in either table, so I haven't used (table dot
> var) format.
> How can I include this in my query:
> DATE_FORMAT(reply_date,'%W %D %M %Y at %l:%i %p') AS reply_date
> for the LEFT JOIN?
> I read that it's more efficient to let MySql do the work, and not to pull the
> data and format it yourself.
> Thanks, Bob.

Your data type for reply_date is an integer.  I guess you intend to store the
number of seconds since the epoch (ie 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00)?  This is also known
as unixtime in MySQL and there is a function called from_unixtime()


which will convert the integer value to a date string.

For my money I'd use a datetime datatype because it allows a full range of
dates from the year 1000 to 9999 (ie must be 4 digits) and it works more easily
with date_format() and other date-time functions in MySQL.

You can always convert to unixtime if you need to do a comparison for a post
1969 date.


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