--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All,
> Firstly thanks James for the help with the REGEX - all woring in that regard 
> now.
> On my server PHP version 4.x.x runs by default so I use the following in a 
> .htaccess file to force version 5.x.x
> .htaccess
> AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php
> I am running the following script and it runs fine in a browser - without 
> errors and it is sending e-mail as expected and deleting files BUT I get the 
> following error when I set it as a CRON.
> /bin/sh: /home/tonya/public_html/cron/relay.php: Permission denied
> The cron command is -
> */15 * * * * /home/domain/public_html/cron/relay.php

You are trying to run the relay.php as an executable which it probably is not
(ls -l will tell you if you can decipher the abbreviations).  

Hopefully you have the command line version of PHP.  Most of the time it is
located at /usr/bin/php.  You can run a command like:

whereis php

to get the path.  Once you have the location, edit your crontab to use it:

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/domain/public_html/cron/relay.php


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