
I'm a newbie here and with PHP & MySQL.  I just started learning them
about 3 weeks ago.

I started working with computers back in the 1980s with a Commodore
Vic20 (3 kilobytes of RAM... KILOBYTES!) and taught myself Commodore
Basic and 6502 machine code.

I started trying to learn C a few years ago, but got interrupted and
never went back to it.

I've been using on-line tutorials as my learning source for PHP, but I
find that they're either so basic that they don't have the information
I need, or so complex and convoluted that I can't strain the
information I need out of them without cross referencing for 2 hours
(and I'm on a slow satellite connection so I spend more time waiting
for pages to load than I do reading the pages).

My current project is adding a PHP/MySQL powered voting page to our
small business website to allow guests at our campground to suggest
and vote for the movies we'll be screening on our Big Movie Weekends
(with Digital Projection and Surround Sound).

I've made a lot of progress with it, but I keep running into "How do I
do this so some teenager doesn't inject garbage into it", "How do I
accomplish _________", "How do I..."  You get the idea.

My next project will be to 'spam proof' and 'idiot proof' our on-line
reservation form (you wouldn't believe how many people misspell their
own email addresses).

My long term goal is to create my own book/DVD trading club.  (Very
long term goal).

Let the questions begin...

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