Junior Grossi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've read the book 'Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP' and in
> that book the author uses a different database modeling.
> I'll give you an example, if you have a 'users' table with a lot of
> columns like, first name, last name, country, food, etc... He suggests
> that you create 2 tables, called 'users' and 'users_profile":
> - users table:
> user_id
> username
> password
> ...
> - users_profile
> user_id
> profile_key
> profile_value
> So... if you have to insert the user's country, you insert into
> users_profile table: (7162, 'country', 'brazil')...
> So, the author give us two classes to manipulate the user object and
> profile (DatabaseObject and Profile classes).
> If you want to get the user's country you use:
> $user = new DatabaseObject_User();
> $user->load(7162); //the user id
> echo $user->profile->country; //will print 'brazil'
> It's good because you can insert a lot of information without change
> the database table.. only adding a new property in the user class.
> What do you think about this new modeling? Have you used this?
> Detail: if you have to sum double numbers, for example, the mysql did
> the sum normally.
> Thanks.
> Junior Grossi

20081012 1306 GMT-6

I have something similar lately and it too relied heavily on objects 
(which I have to admit I have not really got into - though I should) and 
it looked like it would definitely help out in certain situations.

But Im not sure I understand what you said about not changing anything 
to the db table.

If you didnt already have a field for country and then wanted to add it 
later, as I read what you just wrote you would changed the db at all - 
but that cant be can it since you have to have a place to put that value?


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