List Etiquette

- Remove multiple "RE:" prefixes in subject lines

Good: RE: [php-list] Message Subject
Bad:  RE: RE: RE: [php-list] Message Subject

- Make sure that the "RE" prefix is before the "[php-list]" prefix or some mail 
clients will screw up the subject

Good: RE: [php-list] Message Subject
Bad:  [php-list] RE: Message Subject

- Avoid other prefixes "[...]" in the subject, such as "[SPAM]" or "[OT]". Some 
people have filters set on various prefixes - if this is a problem, adjust your 
spam filter!

Good: Message Subject
OK:   OT - Message Subject
Bad:  [SPAM] - Message Subject

- Use subject lines that reflect your question or problem, not meaningless or 
vague subjects like "another problem"
Good: $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] doesn't contain a value!
Bad:  I need help!

- #### First quote, then answer below the quote. #### "Jeopardy"-style quoting 
(answer before the question) is confusing and difficult to read. You can even 
intersperse your answers between lines, but do so sparingly

- Trim quotes down to the bare essential of the question - don't quote the 
entire message. In particular, remove signature lines and other effluvia, 
including mail client-added tag lines and advertising

- If you have a new question, start a new, blank message and post it to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] Do not use a reply to an old or existing message to post your 

- Don't send HTML messages. Period. Plain ASCII text is good enough, and 
smaller as well. Larger HTML-based messages drive up bandwidth costs. In 
addition, HTML-based emails can include potentially harmful code.

- If you have problems setting up your mail software or you have other 
questions feel free to ask this list or the list owner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

- TIP, select the "Traditional" email setting so that white space is preserved 
in posted code. 


Please help us keep this list neat and tidy!

Thank you,
PHP List Owner and Other Concerned Listizens

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