I wish to submit the following announcement for php[world]:

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    Announcing php[world] (and a Call for Papers)

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<p>The team at <a href="http://www.phparch.com/"; title="php[architect] :
Magazine, Training, Books, Conferences">php[architect]</a> is excited to
announce that we are starting up a brand new conference!  This
conference, <a href="http://world.phparch.com/"; title="php[world]
conference">php[world]</a>, is being designed to bring together all of
the various PHP communities into one place to share ideas together.

<p>Whether you are a core PHP developer, work in a framework (such as
Zend Framework, Symfony, or Laravel), or work in an application
framework (such as WordPress, Drupal, or Magento) ... we want to hear
from you!</p>

<p>The conference takes place on November 10-14, 2014 in Washington, DC,
USA.  It features a Training Day, Tutorial Day, and 3 days full of
sessions & keynotes.</p>

<p>More information will be available as time goes on, but right now our
<a href="http://world.phparch.com/call-for-papers/"; title="Call for
Papers">Call for Papers</a> is open until June 20th!  We are offering a
great speaker package, and want as wide a range of submissions as
possible, and look forward to seeing your proposal.</p>

<p>Also <a href="http://tek.phparch.com/pricing-and-registration/";
title="Pricing + Registration">registration for the conference</a> is
open at this time, and Early Bird specials are currently active.</p>


Please let me know if you need anything else.  Thank you,

Eli White
Managing Editor & Conference Chair : php[architect] http://phparch.com/
Founding Partner & CTO : Musketeers.me http://musketeers.me/

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