php-windows Digest 23 Jul 2012 07:10:40 -0000 Issue 4059

Topics (messages 30936 through 30937):

Re: URL rewrite
        30936 by: Vinay Kannan

Article on theory, etc. behind MVC (model-view-controller) usage/implementation 
in PHP
        30937 by: Jacob Kruger


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--- Begin Message ---
Thank You all for your replies!

Actually my question was not for the extensions at all, i think i needed a
complete rewrite.

I think I will do it with the hrefs than to try things with .htaccess.

@Arno - Not really very sure, my preference so far have been to have a .php
extension on all the pages, be it plain .html files with contents or
articles fetching data from the DB using .php, i prefer not to show an
extension at all, aesthetically pleasing and usually doesn't let people
know of the technology used eg : .aspx , .php etc... not sure if it makes a
big difference, but my personal preference is cleanliness. I've seen in the
past one of my old website showed on Google search with the entire URL with
the data, and i know that the data which google showed can only be fetched
from the database, hence the conclusion that they make for a better SEO,
however that was about couple of years back, google tends to change things
more than we anticipate or can think of i guess :)


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Arno Kuhl <> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gavin Chalkley []
> Sent: 11 July 2012 10:08 PM
> To: 'Vinay Kannan';;
> Subject: RE: [PHP-WIN] URL rewrite
> Vinay,
> This does make for better SEO
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vinay Kannan []
> Sent: 11 July 2012 20:04
> To:;
> Subject: [PHP-WIN] URL rewrite
> Hello Experts,
> I have a query on URL rewriting.
> I have a site, which has categories and products under the categories. the
> url has been re-written to hide the .php part of the pages, the page also
> shows up correctly when we do type in the .php extension.
> this is how a link shows :
> eg : localhost/showproducts?category=fantasy&book=A Game of Thrones
> I was thinking of getting the url re-written to localhost/fantasy/A Game of
> Thrones
> I think this shows a cleaner URL and could be better for the SEO too?
> any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Vinay
> --
> Is that right? I thought spaces in a url were to be avoided, replaced with
> dashes or underscores or other sensible delimiter? Personally I think the
> "%20" looks a bit nasty in a url, but does it affect SEO?
> I also do url rewriting but have never been too sure about adding the
> ".html" at the end, currently I do add it, but is it really required? The
> original reason I added it was to distinguish article pages from topic
> pages, the topic pages don't have the ".html", though the article pages
> work
> with or without the ".html" extension so it's more for an aesthetic reason
> than anything else. Besides the possible need to distinguish between topic
> and article titles, is there any SEO advantage to adding the ".html"
> extension?
> Cheers
> Arno

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Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

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