hay guyz .....

im tryin to upload a file to my server n im gettin
this on the screen :

file submittedmissing in beta ! ! ! !.txtfile sixe
162file typetext/plain
Warning: Unable to open '' for reading: Permission
denied in e:\final project\zroot\up.php on line 89
Either you did not upload any file, or you uploaded an
empty file! (Y) :P:P:P

toby z

here s the code


echo("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"
action=up.php method=post>");

        include "lang_dsply.php";
        include "cat_dsply.php";        

//      <!-- entr title  -->
   echo("<tr> <td> title </td>");
echo (" <td> <INPUT NAME=title TYPE=text
style=\"font-family: '$font'\"> </INPUT> </td>  </tr>
//    <!-- summary  -->
    echo("<tr>  <td valign='top'>summary </td>");
  echo("         <td> <textarea name=summary rows=7 cols=60
wrap=virtual style=\"font-family: '$font'\">
</textarea> </td> </tr> ");
echo("<tr> <td valign='top'><input type=hidden
name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=2000000>
Send this file: <input name=userfile type=file> </td>
<td> (file size should not exceed 2mb)</td> </tr>
<tr><td> <input type=submit value='Send File'
style=\"font-family: Riwaj\"> 



// followin waz tried outta sheer despiration
$file_origin    = $_POST['file_origin'];
$file_destination =     $_POST['$file_destination'];
$overwrite      =  $_POST['$overwrite'];

$fatal  =  $_POST['$fatal'];
$fp     =  $_POST['$fp'];
$error_prefix  =   $_POST['$error_prefix'];
$copy_file      =   $_POST['$copy_file'];
$copy_file      =    $_POST['$copy_file'];
$dest_file_exists  =    $_POST['$dest_file_exists'];

// endda despration 1

include "cpychk.php";



/* i cut it out ven i found i had been a goof again
.... :(


$cat_opt_name =$_POST['cat_opt_name'];

echo("file submitted" .$userfile_name );
echo("file sixe " .$userfile_size);
echo("file type" .$userfile_type);

$unique_id = time();

$name = "$unique_id.$userfile_name";    // fo t imestmp
++ usr givn name !!!!!

$zname = 'moronhead'; // sorry bout dis try ....

//if (copy($userfile, "E:/final project/zroot/tmp
uploadz/" . $unique_id."-". $userfile_name )) // dis
didnt work

        if (copy($_FILE['userfile']['name'], "E:/final
project/zroot/tmp uploadz\\" . $unique_id)) // so i
tried dis .... :S
                        echo("<b> file successfully uploaded </b>");
                        // insrtn in2 db !!!!
   $query = "SELECT memb_id FROM lgn where login =
'$login' ";
        $query_result_handle = mysql_query ($query)
                or die ('qry failed !  DA tbl must xixt in DA db
specifyd bov ....');

        $sql = "insert into ctnt_inf (cat_id, lang_id,
memb_id,  firstName, lastName, title, summary,
path_of_upload, isfile, type,sixe, date_time, day,
month, year  ) " .

        "values (" . $cat_opt_name . "," . $lang_opt_name .
", " . $memb_id[0] . ",'" . $firstName . "', '" .
$lastName . "','" . $title . "','" . $summary . "','"
. $unique_id. "', '1' ,'" . $userfile_type . "','" .
$userfile_size . "'," . time() . ", " . date("d"). ",
" . date("m"). ", " . date("Y").") ";

                        if ( mysql_query($sql) ) 

                                {  echo("<font face='riwaj'><P>article submitted !
! ! !</P>"
                                         . $title."<br>"//. $body .
                                        . "<br>".$summary. 
                                         "</font>" );

                                {  echo("<P>Error uploadin file : " .

                           mysql_error() . "</P>");


        else //(!$userfile_size)
                 echo( "Either you did not upload any file, or you
uploaded an empty file! ");

        echo( "(Y)" .
                 "        " . ":P:P:P"."<br><br>".
                 $login . "<br>" ) ;
        echo($firstName ."&nbsp". $lastName);

included file cpychk.php

 //function that performs various checks before

function file_copy($file_origin,
$file_destination, $overwrite, $fatal) {
if ($fatal) {
        $error_prefix = 'FATAL: File copy of \'' .
$file_origin . '\' to \'' .
$destination_directory . $file_destination . '\'
        $fp = @fopen($file_origin, "r");
                if (!$fp) {
                echo $error_prefix . ' Originating file cannot be
read or does not exist.';
                $dir_check = @is_writeable($destination_directory);
                if (!$dir_check) {
                echo $error_prefix . ' Destination directory is not
writeable or does not exist.';
                $dest_file_exists =
file_exists($destination_directory .

                  if ($dest_file_exists) { 
                        if ($overwrite) {
                        $fp = @is_writeable($destination_directory .
                           if (!$fp) {
                           echo  $error_prefix . ' Destination file is not
writeable [OVERWRITE].'; 
                           $copy_file = @copy($file_origin,
$destination_directory . $file_destination);             
                } else {

                $copy_file = @copy($file_origin,
$destination_directory . $file_destination);
              } else {
              $copy_file = @copy($file_origin,
$destination_directory . $file_destination);


ok now 
1 . i came across this cpychk thinggy couple of months
bak n im sorry i cant remember vere i found it ....

2. i cant even get to display my qureyes on the up.php
screen ..... 

3. its pickin up the file name, type n size all fine
but y the hell cant it open the file fo readin ????? i
fail to under stand

4. the phpinfo.php at my web host says :
upload_tmp_dir (local)no value   (master)no value 
what shall i do with that ?????

5. im sure ive must ve made an idiot outta myslf
asusual but plz pardon me fo it all n 
sos plz .......

thnx a billion guys fo lumpin me .....

clueless as usual .....
toby ......

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