I just created a simple html form and a .php file as a test to be sure php is working 
right. All I want the form to do is test the echo construct (which prints the text 
between the opening and closing php tags) to be sure my php interpreter is working 

The line in my html form used to identify the method looks like this:

<form action="processorder.php" method=post>

The line in my html form used to trigger the submit button looks like this:

<input type=submit value="Submit Order">

The code in my php file called processorder.php looks like this:

   <title>Seans Designs - Order Results</title>
<h1>Seans products</h1>
<h2>Order Results</h2>
   echo "<p>Order processed.";


The problem is when I hit the submit button on my form, I see all the text accept for 
the text Order processed which is contained in the php tag. In other words, its as if 
the echo construct is being completely ignored. I think the problem has something to 
do with the register_globals=on or off thing. So, I changed the setting from off 
(which was the default setting) to on and restarted apache. No joy!

Is there something in the code that I need to change?


"forget your lust for the rich man's gold. All that you need, is in your soul. You can 
do this if you try. All that I want for you my son, is to be satisfied"

  ~ Lynard Skynard

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