It means it is unable to move the file.

Sarcasm aside, look at the error message.

At 00:22 19/02/2003 +0000, you wrote:
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move
'C:\PHP\uploadtemp\php98.tmp' to '/frettamyndir/fastfood.jpg' in
C:\riddarinn\Process.php on line 16

Can anyone tell me what this means?

Whats it telling you ? Its saying unable to move the temporary file upload to its final destination. Now that detsination is /frettamyndir/fastfood.jpg : You are using windows. Does this look like a windows file path to you ?

Me neither, so supply the move_uploaded_file function with a real file path like you would for any filesystem function, because move_uploaded deals with your raw file system, not your web server's document. structure. Clear ? Cool.

BTW if you look in the C:\PHP\uploadtemp directory, you will be able to verify the file uploads taking place, when you see a number of files phpXX.tmp created during uploads. They may be deleted by garbage collection in normal operation.

Neil Smith.

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