hay guyz

im stuck in an infinite loop
ill try to explain what im actually tryin to do

im letting a user of the application take a backup of a mysql db 
he selects a path n types in a file name for the backup to be dumped

two files 
1. tk_bkp.php(take_backup)
2. gen_qry_bkp.php(generate_backup_query)

take backup file:
gets the dir path and file name 
includes 2 files 1st to generate the insert into query 2nd to write a
file on user's disk

generate backup query file :

1. fetchs all table names from a table tbl_ztbl 
(i dont want it to fetch all table namez as ive got 17 lookup tables
in the db)
2. after it has fetched the table names it calls the ReedDta() funct
passing it the table names fetched 
3. ReedDta() funct :
    i. fetches all the data inserted in the tables where nu_bkp=0
       (the watch-dgo field for new || backup data; 0==new)
    ii. fetches all the field names from the table names fetched in
    iii. make an insert into query

a. the ReedDta() funct gets stuck in the query #i
   where it has to fetch the data inserted into the db tables :|
   the query goes nuttz ......
  or perhapps i ve screwed somethin else in the code :|

b. the data fetched from the tables include a primary key
the backup is to be restored on the server where the application will
be hosted and i most definately dont want the backup-auto-incremented
values to get inserted in to the server db as im generating reports
on distinct primarykeys 
what the hell do i do now ?
:| :S

i guess i ve done it for myslf to get sacked after this proj is
through :)

the code goes here


$bkp_fl = $_GET['bkp_fl'];

echo("1st &nbsp; $bkp_fl<br>");

$rpos = strrpos($bkp_fl, '\\');
$dirPth = substr($bkp_fl, 0, $rpos+1);
$FileStr = substr($bkp_fl, $rpos+1, strlen($bkp_fl));


str_replace("\\", "/", $bkp_fl);


echo("<br> da dammed dir xixtz ! continue savin da file ! ! ! !

//$fp=fopen("$FileStr", "wb");


echo("<br> da dammed dir duzn xixtz ! mk dir here ! ! ! !  <br>");      
if (mkdir($dirPth)){
        echo("<br> da dammed dir created ! save da file now ! ! ! ! <br>");
        //$fp=fopen("$FileStr", "wb");

else {

        echo("<br> da dammed dir cudn b created ! :S now vat  :S :| :[ ! ! !
!  <br>");      



//$pg  = 'gen_qry_bkp.php';
        $ftch_tbl_nmx_qry = "select tbl_nme from tbl_ztbl";
        $ftch_tbl_nmx_qry_rzlt_hndlr = mysql_query($ftch_tbl_nmx_qry)
        or die("qry $ftch_tbl_nmx_qry failed ! da tbl must xixt in da db 2 b
played vid ! ! ! !");

        for($count=0; $count <=
mysql_num_rows($ftch_tbl_nmx_qry_rzlt_hndlr); ++$count){
        $ftch_tbl_nme = mysql_fetch_row($ftch_tbl_nmx_qry_rzlt_hndlr);
        $tbl_nme = $ftch_tbl_nme[0];
                $tbl_nme_cmt = "/* <br> Table data for planDb_Bkp.$tbl_nme <br> */ 
 <br> ";


function ReedDta($tbl_nme){

        // xz2
        $ftch_dta_qry = "select * from $tbl_nme";
        $ftch_dta_qry_rzlt_hndlr = mysql_query($ftch_dta_qry)
                or die("qry $ftch_dta_qry  failed ! da tbl must xixtin da db 2 b
played vid ! ! ! !");
        for($cnt=0; $cnt = mysql_num_rows($ftch_dta_qry_rzlt_hndlr);
                $ftch_dta = mysql_fetch_row($ftch_dta_qry_rzlt_hndlr);
                $inzrtn_dta[] = $ftch_dta[$cnt];
                echo("<br> inzrtn dta gozz : &nbsp; $inzrtn_dta <br> ");
        $inzrt_qry_1st_hlf = "insert into $tbl_nme (";
        // xz1
        $result_q = "select * from $tbl_nme limit 0,1";
        $result = mysql_query($result_q)
        or die("qry $ftch_fld_nmz_qry failed ! da tbl must xixt in da db 2 b
played vid ! ! ! !");           

$num_fldz = mysql_num_fields($result);

for($i = 0; $i < $num_fldz; $i++)
        $fldxx[] = mysql_fetch_field($result);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_fldz; $i++)
        printf("%s,\n", $fldxx[$i]->name);

        $inzrt_qry_2nd_hlf = ") values ($valz)";


thnx a million guyz


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