goba            Sun Jan 14 05:59:12 2001 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /phpdoc     make_chm.README make_chm_fancy.php 
  Introducing the fancy version
  Now we need a .README to know what to do
  in several cases...
  Derick please go through these and test the fancy method.
  I hope you will be happy to see it :))

Index: phpdoc/make_chm.README
+++ phpdoc/make_chm.README

This is a README file about building the manual in
Windows Help File (.chm) format. This README is written
by Gabor Hojtsy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Contact him, or the phpdoc
list if you have any questions or suggestions...

Note: Where 'lang' is mentioned in this doc, it is the
actual language code of the manual you are compiling,
not the 'lang' word itself!

You have two options to build the .chm manual:

  a) Use only the traditional DSSSL made html manual
        b) Use a fancy html manual (converted from the
           DSSSL made html)
In both cases you need Microsoft(r) HTML Help Workshop.
You can download it freely at:
You need the complete workshop package install (about 4 Megs).
Of cource you need one Microsoft(r) Windows to run that software.

Now you need the html manual. You have two alternatives:

  a) Donwload the actual html manual from
           and untar the distribution in a directory
  a) Build the html manual yourself using Jade and the other
           tools needed (how to do it is not in the scope of this README)
You need the .chm manual generator files (from cvs.php.net):

  make_chm.bat - The only file you need to run yourself.
        make_chm.php - Auto toc generator.
To make the fancy manual additional files needed:

  make_chm_fancy.php       - Convert the normal html files to
                                   good looking pages and correct
              some pages (manual.html, copyright.html)
  make_chm_index_lang.html - Fancy index. I recommend you
                                   to use a fancy index in the language
              of the actual compiled maunal (look into
              phpdoc/lang dir if it exists). 
        make_chm_spc.gif         - Gif file needed by the fancy pages.
        make_chm_style.css       - This adds some good style to html files.
Note that       you NEED make_chm.php and make_chm.bat to make the
fancy manual too!!!!!

Now put the above listed make_chm_* files to one directory.
Put the html manual (~1700 files) under a subdir in this
directory (eg. html).

You need to decide what method to use (normal or fancy).
The output .chm file for the tested Hungarian version were nearly
in the same size, the fancy manual .chm took 30k more space.
This is not significant, as the .chm files are ~1.5Megs in size.

To make manual_lang.chm using the normal HTML pages:

Open make_chm.bat in a text editor and make the appropriate
modifications. You need to
        - set PHP_HELP_COMPILER to the full path of hhc.exe on
          your machine (including hhc.exe).
        - set PHP_HELP_COMPILE_LANG to the language code of the
          actual manual (use the code from cvs.php.net, eg. hu)
        - set PHP_HELP_COMPILE_DIR to the directory of the
          html manual (eg. html)
        - substitute D:\progra~1\php402\php.exe with your
          php.exe path (including php.exe)

Now the batch file is ready to run. To compile the normal
manual, use the 'normal' command line option (without quotes):

make_chm.bat normal

It will generate manual_lang.hhp, manual_lang.hhc, index.hhk
and compile.bat in the same directory, and call compile.bat
to finalize the process and compile manual_lang.chm
To make manual_lang.chm using the fancy style:

See make_chm_fancy.bat and make all the modifications described
above at make_chm.bat. Note, that you need to substitute the
php.exe path in two places in this batch file!!!
One more thing you need to set here is the PHP_HELP_COMPILE_FANCYDIR
environment variable, which is the container for the directory name
where the fancy pages will go.
You can decide not to sacrifice any more space for the fancy dir
(it takes up 55 megs on my FAT16 system), and set this variable
to the same as PHP_HELP_COMPILE_DIR. Then your old HTML files
will be rewritten to be fancy ones.

In any case make sure that the directory named in
PHP_HELP_COMPILE_FANCYDIR exists. I pesonally used "fancy"
as the value of this variable (without quotes).
Now the batch file is ready to run. To compile the fancy manual,
do not add any command line options, run:

It will generate the fancy pages in the directory you specified,
copy in the fancy dir the

        make_chm_index_lang.html as index.html,
        make_chm_spc.gif         as spacer.gif and
        make_chm_style.css       as style.css
A date subtitution takes place when copying index.html (the
actual date will be printed inside the file), and some more
modifications are made to manual.html and copyright.html.
After that the same process is done as described above with normal pages.
After this process, you will have manual_lang.chm in your language...

Index: phpdoc/make_chm_fancy.php
+++ phpdoc/make_chm_fancy.php

        $htmldir = getenv("PHP_HELP_COMPILE_DIR");
        $fancydir = getenv("PHP_HELP_COMPILE_FANCYDIR");
        $language = getenv("PHP_HELP_COMPILE_LANG");
        $counter = 0;
        while (false!==($filename = readdir($handle))) { 
                if (strpos($filename, ".html") && ($filename != "index.html")) {
        // make GENTIME the actual date/time
        $content = join("", file("make_chm_index_$language.html"));
        $content = preg_replace("/\\[GENTIME\\]/", date("D M d H:i:s Y"), $content);   
        $fp = fopen("$fancydir/index.html", "w");
        fputs($fp, $content);
        copy("make_chm_style.css", "$fancydir/style.css");
        copy("make_chm_spc.gif", "$fancydir/spacer.gif");

        $counter += 3;
        echo "Converting ready...\n";
        echo "Total number of files written in $fancydir directory: $counter\n\n";
        function fancy_design($fname) {
                global $htmldir, $fancydir, $counter;

                // get the contents of the file from $htmldir
                $content = join("", file("$htmldir/$fname"));
                // css file linking
                $content = preg_replace("|</HEAD|", '<LINK REL="stylesheet" 
HREF="style.css"></HEAD', $content);

                // no margins around
                $content = preg_replace("/<BODY/", '<BODY TOPMARGIN="0" 
LEFTMARGIN="0"', $content);
                // HR dropout
                $content = preg_replace("/<HR\\s+ALIGN=\"LEFT\"\\s+WIDTH=\"100%\">/", 
'', $content);

                // whole page table and backgrounds
                $wpbegin = '<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" 
                $bnavt = '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" 
                $lnavt = '<TR BGCOLOR="#333366"><TD><IMG SRC="spacer.gif" BORDER="0" 
WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"><BR></TD></TR>';
                $space = '<IMG SRC="spacer.gif" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="1">';
                // navheader backgound
                $content = 
                        $wpbegin . '<DIV CLASS="NAVHEADER">' . $bnavt . 
'<TR><TD><TABLE\\1CELLPADDING="3"\\2</TABLE></TD></TR>' . $lnavt . 
'</TABLE></DIV></TD></TR><TR><TD>' . $space . '</TD><TD HEIGHT="100%" VALIGN="TOP" 
WIDTH="100%"><BR>', $content);

                // navfooter backgound
                $content = 
                        '<BR></TD><TD>' . $space . '</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"><DIV 
CLASS="NAVFOOTER">' . $bnavt . $lnavt . 
                // fix copyright page fault...
                if ($fname == "copyright.html") {
                        $content = preg_replace("/&#38;copy;/", "&copy;", $content);
                        $content = preg_replace("/<A\\s+HREF=\"manual.html(.*)\"/U", 
"<A HREF=\"index.html\"", $content);
                        $content = preg_replace("|(</TH\\s+></TR\\s+>)|", "\\1<TR><TH 
COLSPAN=\"3\" ALIGN=\"center\">&nbsp;</TH></TR>", $content);
                        $content = preg_replace("|(&nbsp;</TD\\s+></TR\\s+>)|", 
"\\1<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"3\" ALIGN=\"center\">&nbsp;</TD></TR>", $content);
                // fix manual.html to look far better...
                elseif ($fname == "manual.html") {
                        $indexchange = '<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" 
                        WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3" 
ALIGN="center">&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR BGCOLOR="#333366"><TD><IMG 
SRC="spacer.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"><BR></TD></TR></TABLE>
                        </DIV></TD></TR><TR><TD><IMG SRC="spacer.gif" WIDTH="10" 
HEIGHT="1"></TD><TD HEIGHT="100%" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%"><BR>';
                        $content = preg_replace("/(<DIV\\s+CLASS=\"BOOK\")/", 
"$indexchange\\1", $content);
                        $content = 
preg_replace("/(<DIV\\s+CLASS=\"author\").*<HR>/Us", "", $content);
preg_match('|<DIV\\s+CLASS="TOC"\\s+><DL\\s+><DT\\s+><B\\s+>(.*)</B\\s+>|U', $content, 
                        $content = 
"\\1$match[1]\\2", $content);
                        $content = 
preg_replace("|<DT\\s+><B\\s+>(.*)</B\\s+></DT\\s+>|U", "", $content);

                // print out that new file to $fancydir
                $fp = fopen("$fancydir/$fname", "w");
                fputs($fp, $content);
                // print out a message to see the progress
                echo "$fancydir/$fname ready...\n";


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