goba            Sun Feb 25 05:05:15 2001 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/hu  Translators 
  New scheme for the Translators file... 
Index: phpdoc/hu/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.16 phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.17
--- phpdoc/hu/Translators:1.16  Sun Feb 25 03:26:40 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/Translators       Sun Feb 25 05:05:15 2001
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
+| This is an information file for the Hungarian translation of the Manual   |
+| The English language was used here. Therefore more people can read it,    |
+| and understand what is here, and where we are with the Hungarian          |
+| translations of the components of the English PHP Manual...               |
-Information file for the hungarian translation of the PHP Manual
+The Hungarian translation is edited by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (His nick is Goba).
+Translators [names in surname + given name form, in alphabetical order]
-Note: The english language was used here. Therefore more people can read it,
-      and understand what is here, and where we are with the hungarian
-      translations of the components of the english PHP Manual...
-The hungarian manual is edited by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (His nick is Goba).
-Translators (names in surname + given name form, in alphabetical order):
-CVS       Name                 Email(s)
+CVS user  Name                 Contact email address
           Éles Zoltán          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+goba      Hojtsy Gábor         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Horváth Tamás Tibor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 kgergely  Kontra Gergely       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Szabó Sándor         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@@ -21,134 +20,139 @@
           Tóth Attila          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Varanka Zoltán       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Translation State Columns:
+Translation state columns:
   Filename   - the name of the file in CVS
   Translator - name of the translator (one from the list above)
-  Status     - status of the translation  
-    ready        - fully translated xml from the en tree (see revision)
-    under const. - reserved by the person, who promised he/she will translate it
-    [sync]       - ready in HTML or XML, but needs syncing to put it here
-  Revision   - revision number from the en tree corresponding to the hu version 
+  Revision   - revision number from the en tree corresponding to the
+               hu version, or one text from the following:
+                 [undrcon] - reserved, translation promised
+                 [no-sync] - file is in CVS, but revision is not known yet
+                 [offline] - ready in HTML/XML, needs syncing (not in cvs)
-Filename                    Translator      Status        Revision
+Filename                    Translator      Revision
-bookinfo.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.11    
-language-defs.ent           Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.1     
-make_chm_index_hu.html      Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.4     
-preface.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.6     
+bookinfo.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    1.11
+language-defs.ent           Hojtsy Gábor    1.1
+make_chm_index_hu.html      Hojtsy Gábor    1.4
+preface.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    1.6
 ------- appendices ----------------------------------------------------------
-debugger.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.7     
-escaping.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.2     
-history.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.2     
-http-stuff.xml              Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.2     
-regexp.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.2      
+debugger.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    1.7
+escaping.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    1.2
+history.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    1.2
+http-stuff.xml              Hojtsy Gábor    1.2
+regexp.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    1.2      
 ------- chapters ------------------------------------------------------------
-config.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.11    
-install.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.31    
-intro.xml                   Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.15    
-security.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.18    
+config.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    1.11    
+install.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    1.31    
+intro.xml                   Hojtsy Gábor    1.15    
+security.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    1.18    
 ------- features ------------------------------------------------------------
-connection-handling.xml     Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.2     
-cookies.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.5     
-error-handling.xml          Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.14    
-file-upload.xml             Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.18    
-http-auth.xml               Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.8     
-images.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.8     
-persistent-connections.xml  Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.7     
-remote-files.xml            Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.6     
+connection-handling.xml     Hojtsy Gábor    1.2     
+cookies.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    1.5     
+error-handling.xml          Hojtsy Gábor    1.14    
+file-upload.xml             Hojtsy Gábor    1.18    
+http-auth.xml               Hojtsy Gábor    1.8     
+images.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    1.8     
+persistent-connections.xml  Hojtsy Gábor    1.7     
+remote-files.xml            Hojtsy Gábor    1.6     
 ------- functions -----------------------------------------------------------
-apache.xml                  Varanka Zoltán  ready         1.8     
-array.xml                   Varanka Zoltán  [sync]                
-aspell.xml                  Varanka Zoltán  ready         1.7     
-bc.xml                      Varanka Zoltán  ready         1.11    
-calendar.xml                Varanka Zoltán  ready         1.9     
-ccvs.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.3     
-classobj.xml                Varanka Zoltán  ready                 
-com.xml                     Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.6     
-cpdf.xml                    Varanka Zoltán  ready                 
-cybercash.xml               Varanka Zoltán  ready         1.4     
-datetime.xml                Kontra Gergely  [sync]                
-dir.xml                     Kontra Gergely  [sync]                
-dl.xml                      >>> info.xml    [sync]
-domxml.xml                  Varanka Zoltán  ready         1.5     
-errorfunc.xml               Hojtsy Gábor    ~~~~~~~~~~~~          
-exec.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    ready                 
-filepro.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.5     
-ftp.xml                     Szabó Sándor    under const.          
-gettext.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.5     
-http.xml                    Szabó Sándor    under const.          
-image.xml                   Kontra Gergely  under const.          
-info.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    ready                 
-mail.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.9     
-mhash.xml                   Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.11    
-mysql.xml                   Kontra Gergely  under const.          
-network.xml                 Szabó Sándor    under const.          
-oracle.xml                  Tóth Attila     [sync]                
-pgsql.xml                   Kontra Gergely  [sync]                
-readline.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.6     
-recode.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.7     
-satellite.xml               Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.4     
-session.xml                 Horváth Tamás   under const.          
-strings.xml                 Szabó Zoltán    under const.          
-sybase.xml                  Éles Zoltán     [sync]                
-url.xml                     Hojtsy Gábor    ready                 
-var.xml                     Hojtsy Gábor    ready                 
-wddx.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    ready         1.7     
+apache.xml                  Varanka Zoltán  1.8
+array.xml                   Varanka Zoltán  [offline]
+aspell.xml                  Varanka Zoltán  1.7
+bc.xml                      Varanka Zoltán  1.11
+calendar.xml                Varanka Zoltán  1.9
+ccvs.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    1.3
+classobj.xml                Varanka Zoltán  [no-sync]
+com.xml                     Hojtsy Gábor    1.6
+cpdf.xml                    Varanka Zoltán  [no-sync]
+cybercash.xml               Varanka Zoltán  1.4
+datetime.xml                Kontra Gergely  [offline]
+dir.xml                     Kontra Gergely  [offline]
+domxml.xml                  Varanka Zoltán  1.5
+errorfunc.xml               Hojtsy Gábor    [undrcon]
+exec.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    [no-sync]
+filepro.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    1.5
+ftp.xml                     Szabó Sándor    [undrcon]
+gettext.xml                 Hojtsy Gábor    1.5
+http.xml                    Szabó Sándor    [undrcon]
+image.xml                   Kontra Gergely  [undrcon]
+info.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    [no-sync]
+mail.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    1.9
+mhash.xml                   Hojtsy Gábor    1.11
+mysql.xml                   Kontra Gergely  [undrcon]
+network.xml                 Szabó Sándor    [undrcon]
+oracle.xml                  Tóth Attila     [offline]
+pgsql.xml                   Kontra Gergely  [offline]
+readline.xml                Hojtsy Gábor    1.6
+recode.xml                  Hojtsy Gábor    1.7
+satellite.xml               Hojtsy Gábor    1.4
+session.xml                 Horváth Tamás   [undrcon]
+strings.xml                 Szabó Zoltán    [undrcon]
+sybase.xml                  Éles Zoltán     [offline]
+url.xml                     Hojtsy Gábor    [no-sync]
+var.xml                     Hojtsy Gábor    [no-sync]
+wddx.xml                    Hojtsy Gábor    1.7
 -------- language -----------------------------------------------------------
-basic-syntax.xml            Kontra Gergely  ready         1.4     
-constants.xml               Kontra Gergely  ready         1.7     
-control-structures.xml      Kontra Gergely  ready         1.23    
-expressions.xml             Kontra Gergely  ready         1.3     
-functions.xml               Kontra Gergely  ready         1.9     
-oop.xml                     Kontra Gergely  ready         1.5     
-operators.xml               Kontra Gergely  ready         1.17    
-references.xml              Kontra Gergely  under const.          
-types.xml                   Kontra Gergely  ready         1.16    
-variables.xml               Kontra Gergely  ready         1.10    
+basic-syntax.xml            Kontra Gergely  1.4
+constants.xml               Kontra Gergely  1.7
+control-structures.xml      Kontra Gergely  1.23
+expressions.xml             Kontra Gergely  1.3
+functions.xml               Kontra Gergely  1.9
+oop.xml                     Kontra Gergely  1.5
+operators.xml               Kontra Gergely  1.17
+references.xml              Kontra Gergely  [undrcon]
+types.xml                   Kontra Gergely  1.16
+variables.xml               Kontra Gergely  1.10

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