jmcastagnetto           Mon Mar 19 04:47:13 2001 EDT

  Added files:                 
  Awk script to generate the tables for ini_set (in en/functions/info.xml)

Index: phpdoc/
+++ phpdoc/
#! /bin/sh


awk 'BEGIN {
        print "<table>\n <title>Configuration options</title>"
        print " <tgroup cols=\"3\">";
        print "  <thead>";
        print "   <row>";
        print "    <entry>Name</entry>";
        print "    <entry>Default</entry>";
        print "    <entry>Changeable</entry>";
        print "   </row>";
        print "  </thead>";
        print "  <tbody>";
$0 ~ /PHP_INI_.*\(/ && $0 !~ /^static/ && $0 !~ /PHP_INI_(BEGIN|END)/ {
nf = split($0,tmp,",");

varname = substr(tmp[1], index(tmp[1], "\""));
gsub("\"", "", varname);

vardef = tmp[2];
gsub("(\t| )+", "", vardef);
#if (index(vardef, "\""))
#       gsub("\"", "", vardef);

varmod = tmp[3];
gsub("(\t| )+", "", varmod);

print "    <row>";
print "     <entry>" varname "</entry>"
print "     <entry>" vardef "</entry>"
print "     <entry>" varmod "</entry>"
print "    </row>";
        print "  </tbody>";
        print " </tgroup>";
        print "</table>";
        print "<note>";
        print " <para>";
        print "  The PHP_INI_* constants are defined as follows:";
        print "  <table>";
        print "   <thead>";
        print "    <row>";
        print "     <entry>Constant</entry>";
        print "     <entry>Value</entry>";
        print "     <entry>Meaning</entry>";
        print "    </row>";
        print "   </thead>";
        print "   <tbody>";
        print "    <row>";
        print "     <entry>PHP_INI_USER</entry>";
        print "     <entry>1</entry>";
        print "     <entry>Entry can be set in user scripts</entry>";
        print "    </row>";
        print "    <row>";
        print "     <entry>PHP_INI_PERDIR</entry>";
        print "     <entry>2</entry>";
        print "     <entry>Entry can be set in <filename>.htaccess</filename></entry>";
        print "    </row>";
        print "    <row>";
        print "     <entry>PHP_INI_SYSTEM</entry>";
        print "     <entry>4</entry>";
        print "     <entry>Entry can be set in <filename>php.ini</filename> or";
        print "      <filename>httpd.conf</filename></entry>";
        print "    </row>";
        print "    <row>";
        print "     <entry>PHP_INI_ALL</entry>";
        print "     <entry>7</entry>";
        print "     <entry>Entry can be set anywhere</entry>";
        print "    </row>";
        print "   </tbody>";
        print "  </table>";
        print " </para>";
        print "</note>";
}' $main_c > $ini_set_table

ls -l $ini_set_table

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