jeroen          Sat May 19 13:45:34 2001 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/language types.xml 
  - added note about 'mixed' type
  - added boolean syntax, and some
  - changed float to double as much
    as possible
  - re-sectionized integer.
    added note about integer division,
    notes about integer-overflow
    (== type juggling in fact)
  - Noted that behaviour of
    converting to int is undefined
    in cases other than boolean
    and string.
  - Completely revised arrays
    (I skipped string for now)
    BTW: Not totally ready yet, but 
    ready enough to include. It is properly defined,
    only examples and more explaination etc could
    be useful.
  - Removed ++ and -- operator for
    strings. It is at best very complex
    how it works, at worst buggy.
    Though in certain cases it can
    be useful, it will return with
    proper definition.
  - Noted (in comment for now)
    that copying arrays works strange
    when there are references to some elements.
  - minor layout-improvements
  - typo's
Index: phpdoc/en/language/types.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/language/types.xml:1.24 phpdoc/en/language/types.xml:1.25
--- phpdoc/en/language/types.xml:1.24   Thu May 17 02:25:32 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/language/types.xml        Sat May 19 13:45:31 2001
@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
-  </para>
-  <para>
    Two compound types:
@@ -59,10 +57,7 @@
-  </para>
-  <para>
    And finally two special types:
@@ -81,6 +76,25 @@
+  <note>
+   <simpara>
+    In this manual you'll often find <literal>mixed</literal> parameters. 
+    This pseudo-type
+    indicates multiple possiblities for that parameter.
+   </simpara>
+   <!--
+   Just an idea, maybe useful for some func-defs?
+   (at least it is for the operator-defs)
+   <simpara>
+    In parameter definitions you can also encouter the 'number' pseudo-type,
+    that indicates a parameter that is either <type>integer</type> or 
+    <type>double</type>.
+   </simpara>
+   -->
+  </note>
@@ -107,44 +121,75 @@
    <sect1 id="language.types.boolean">
-    <simpara>
-     This is the simpelest type. A <type>boolean</type> expresses a 
-     truth value. It can be either TRUE or FALSE. 
-    </simpara>
-     You can use the special case-insensitive constants 'TRUE' and
-     'FALSE' to specify a <type>boolean</type> value. Usually you 
-     use some kind of <link linkend="language.operators">operator</link>
-     which returns a <type>boolean</type> value, and then pass it 
-     on to a <link linkend="control-structures">control
-     structure</link>.
+     This is the easiest type. A <type>boolean</type> expresses a 
+     truth value. It can be either true or 
+     false. 
-    <!-- TODO: example of this -->
-    <!-- TODO: example to show that if ( expr == TRUE ) is not really
-         necessary... (i've seen this construct numerous times)
-      -->
-    <!-- TODO: how others vars are converted to boolean -->
-      The boolean-type was introduced in PHP 4
+      The boolean-type was introduced in PHP 4.
+    <sect2 id="language.types.boolean.syntax">
+     <title>Syntax</title>
+     <para>
+      To specify a boolean-literal, use either the keyword <literal>TRUE</literal> 
+      or <literal>FALSE</literal>. Both are case-insensitive.
+      <!-- technically they are just constants -->
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+$foo = True; // assign the value TRUE to $foo     
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      Usually you 
+      use some kind of <link linkend="language.operators">operator</link>
+      which returns a <type>boolean</type> value, and then pass it 
+      on to a <link linkend="control-structures">control
+      structure</link>.
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+if ($action == "show_version") // == is an <link 
+linkend="language.operators">operator</link> which returns a <type>boolean</type>
+    echo "The version is 1.23";
+// this is not necessary:
+if ($show_separators == true)
+    echo "&lt;hr&gt;\n";
+// because you can simply type this:
+if ($show_separators)
+    echo "&lt;hr&gt;\n";
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
+     </para>
+    </sect2>
     <sect2 id="language.types.boolean.casting">
      <title>Converting to boolean</title>
+      <simpara>
+       To explicitely convert a value to <type>boolean</type>, use either
+       the <literal>(bool)</literal> or the <literal>(boolean)</literal> cast.
+       However, in most cases you do not need to use the cast, since a value
+       will be autmatically converted if an operator, function or 
+       control-structure requires a <type>boolean</type>-argument.
+      </simpara>
-       See <link linkend="language.types.type-juggling">type-juggling</link>
-       for general information about converting.
+       See also <link linkend="language.types.type-juggling">type-juggling</link>.
        When converting to <type>boolean</type>, the following values 
-       are considered FALSE:
+       are considered <literal>FALSE</literal>:
@@ -156,7 +201,7 @@
          > 0 (zero) </simpara>
-         <simpara>the <link linkend="language.types.double">float</link> 
+         <simpara>the <link linkend="language.types.double">double</link> 
          0.0 (zero) </simpara>
@@ -180,63 +225,143 @@
-       Every other value is considered TRUE (including any 
+       Every other value is considered <literal>TRUE</literal> (including any 
        <link linkend="language.types.resource">resource</link>).
-       <warning><simpara>-1 is considered TRUE!</simpara></warning>
-       <!-- and/or a few examples, for the people only looking at 
-            the examples... </XXX> -->
+       <warning>
+        <simpara>
+         <literal>-1</literal> is considered  
+         <literal>TRUE</literal>, like any other non-zero (whether negative
+         or positive) number!
+        </simpara>
+       </warning>
+       <!-- TODO: add a few examples, for the people only looking at 
+            the examples... -->
    <sect1 id="language.types.integer">
-   <title>Integers</title>
-   <para>
-    Integers can be specified using any of the following syntaxes:
-    <informalexample>
-     <programlisting role="php">
+    <title>Integers</title>
+    <simpara>
+     An <type>integer</type> is a number of the set 
+     Z = {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}.
+    </simpara>
+    <para>
+     See also:
+     <link linkend="ref.gmp">Arbitrary precision integers</link> and
+     <link linkend="language.types.double">Floating point numbers</link>
+    </para>
+    <sect2 id="language.types.integer.syntax">
+     <title>Syntax</title>
+     <simpara>
+      Integers can be specified in decimal (10-based), hexadecimal (16-based)
+      or octal (8-based) notation, optionally preceded by a sign (- or +).
+     </simpara>
+     <para>
+      If you use the octal notation, you must precede the number with a 
+      <literal>0</literal> (zero), to use hexadecimal notation precede
+      the number with <literal>0x</literal>.
+      <example>
+       <title>Integer literals</title>
+       <programlisting role="php">
 $a = 1234; # decimal number
 $a = -123; # a negative number
 $a = 0123; # octal number (equivalent to 83 decimal)
-$a = 0x12; # hexadecimal number (equivalent to 18 decimal)
-     </programlisting>
-    </informalexample>
-    The size of an integer is platform-dependent, although a 
-    maximum value of about 2 billion is the usual value 
-    (that's 32 bits signed).
-   </para>
+$a = 0x1A; # hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal)
+       </programlisting>
+      </example>
+      <!--
+       decimal     : [1-9][0-9]*
+                   | 0
+       hexadecimal : 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
+       octal       : 0[0-7]+
+       integer     : [+-]?decimal
+                   | [+-]?hexadecimal
+                   | [+-]?octal
+       -->
+      The size of an integer is platform-dependent, although a 
+      maximum value of about two billion is the usual value 
+      (that's 32 bits signed).
+     </para>
+     <note><!-- or warning? -->
+      <simpara>
+       In PHP there is no such thing as integer-division. <literal>1/2</literal>
+       yields the <type>double</type> <literal>0.5</literal>. <!-- See
+       ??? for more information. (with the operators, or with type-jug) -->
+      </simpara>
+     </note>
+    </sect2>
     <sect2 id="language.types.integer.overflow">
      <title>Integer overflow</title>
-      Because of the flexible type-juggling, a number
-      is autmatically converted to float when it is about
-      to overflow.
+      If you specify a number beyond the bounds of the <type>integer</type>-type,
+      it will be interpreted as a <type>double</type> instead.
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+$large_number =  2147483647;
+// output: int(2147483647)
+$large_number =  2147483648;
+// output: float(2147483648) <!-- 
+php is inconsistent here... 
+vardump says float, gettype says double 
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
+      Furthermore, if some function or operator yields a number that is beyond
+      the boundaries of <type>integer</type>, it will also 
+      be automatically converted to 
+      <type>double</type>.
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+$million = 1000000;
+$large_number =  50000 * $million;
+// output: float(50000000000)
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
     <sect2 id="language.types.integer.casting">
      <title>Converting to integer</title>
+      <simpara>
+       To explicitely convert a value to <type>integer</type>, use either
+       the <literal>(int)</literal> or the <literal>(integer)</literal> cast.
+       However, in most cases you do not need to use the cast, since a value
+       will be autmatically converted if an operator, function or 
+       control-structure requires a <type>boolean</type>-argument.
+      </simpara>
-       See <link linkend="language.types.type-juggling">type-juggling</link> for 
-       general information about converting.
+       See also <link linkend="language.types.type-juggling">type-juggling</link>.
       <sect3 id="language.types.integer.casting.from-boolean">
        <title>From <link linkend="language.types.boolean"
-        <link linkend="language.types.boolean">False</link> will yield 
-        0 (zero), and <link linkend="language.types.boolean">True</link> 
-        will yield 1 (one).
+        <literal>FALSE</literal> will yield 
+        <literal>0</literal> (zero), and <literal>TRUE</literal> 
+        will yield <literal>1</literal> (one).
-      <sect3 id="language.types.integer.casting.from-float">
+      <sect3 id="language.types.integer.casting.from-double">
        <title>From floating point numbers</title>
         When converting from float to integer, the number will
@@ -249,20 +374,18 @@
         (usually <literal>+/- 2.15e+9 = 2^31</literal>), 
         the result is undefined, since the float hasn't
         got enough precision to give an exact integer result.
-        <warning>
-         <simpara>
-          No warning, not even a notice will be issued in this 
-          case!
-         </simpara>
-        </warning>
+        No warning, not even a notice will be issued in this 
+        case!
         Never cast an unknown fraction to <type>integer</type>, as this can
         sometimes lead to unexpected results.
-        <informalexample><programlisting role="php">
+        <informalexample>
+         <programlisting role="php">
 echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echo's 7!
-        </programlisting></informalexample>
+         </programlisting>
+        </informalexample>
         See for more information the <link 
@@ -276,26 +399,43 @@
         See <link linkend="language.types.string.conversion">String 
+      </sect3>
-    <para>
-     See also:
-     <link linkend="ref.gmp">Arbitrary precision integers</link> and
-     <link linkend="language.types.double">Floating point numbers</link>
-    </para>
+      <sect3 id="language.types.integer.casting.from-other">
+       <title>From other types</title>
+       <para>
+        Behaviour of converting to integer is undefined for other
+        types. Currently, the behaviour is the same as if
+        the value was first <link linkend="language.types.boolean.casting"
+        >converted to boolean</link>.
+        <caution>
+         <simpara>
+          However, do <emphasis>not</emphasis>
+          relay on this behaviour, as it can change without notice.
+         </simpara>
+        </caution>
+       </para>
+       <!--
+        IMO, it would more sense as (int) $arr returned the 
+        number of elements in $arr. This won't break anything,
+        since this behaviour was never defined before, and 
+        (bool)(int) $arr will still behave the same.
+        -->
   <sect1 id="language.types.double">
    <title>Floating point numbers</title>
-    Floating point numbers (aka "doubles" or "real numbers") can be 
+    Floating point numbers (aka "doubles", "floats" or "real numbers") can be 
     specified using any of the following syntaxes: 
-    <informalexample>
-     <programlisting role="php"> 
+    <synopsis>
 $a = 1.234; $a = 1.2e3; $a = 7E-10;
-     </programlisting>
-    </informalexample>
+    </synopsis>
 LNUM   [0-9]+
@@ -697,18 +837,398 @@
   <sect1 id="language.types.array">
+   <para>
+    An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that
+    maps <emphasis>values</emphasis> to <emphasis>keys</emphasis>. 
+    This type is optimized in several ways,
+    so you can use it as a real array, or a list (vector), 
+    hashtable (which is an implementation of a map), 
+    dictionary, <!-- is a map -->
+    collection,
+    stack, queue and probably more. Because you can have another
+    PHP-array as a value, you can also quite easily simulate
+    trees.
+   </para>
-    Arrays actually act like both hash tables (associative arrays) and
-    indexed arrays (vectors).
+    Explaination of those structures is beyond the scope of this manual,
+    but you'll find at least one example for each of those structures.
+    For more information about those structures, buy a good book about
+    datastructures.
+    <!-- like goodrich&tamassia: datastructures and algorithmes.
+    Only, the subtitle is: in Java, and it's quite academic too -->
+   <sect2 id="language.types.array.syntax">
+    <title>Syntax</title>
+    <sect3 id="language.types.array.syntax.array-func">
+     <title>Specifying with <function>array</function></title>
+     <para>
+      An <type>array</type> can be created by the <function>array</function> 
+      language-construct. It takes a certain number of comma-separated
+      <literal><replaceable>key</replaceable> =&gt; <replaceable
+      >value</replaceable></literal>
+      pairs. 
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      A <varname>key</varname> is either a nonnegative <type>integer</type> 
+      <!-- 
+      Negative integers are also allowed, however, IMO it's best to not 
+      document that, or even disencourage it. 
+      Why?
+      First, because it is very tricky. But the real reason is that the key
+      '-1' will be interpreted as a string, and not as a integer. Therefore,
+      the usage
+      "the -1'st value of \$arr is $arr[-1]" is ambigious. By the way,
+      it results in a parse-error anyway, which is another argument for
+      not documenting it.
+      -Jeroen
+      -->
+      or a <type>string</type>.
+      If a key is the standard representation of a non-negative 
+      <type>integer</type>, it will
+      be interpreted as such (i.e. <literal>'8'</literal> will be interpreted 
+      as <literal>8</literal>, while
+      <literal>'08'</literal> will be interpreted as <literal>'08'</literal>).
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      A value can be anything.
+     </para>
+     <formalpara id="language.types.array.omit-key">
+      <title>Omitting keys</title>
+      <para>
+       If you omit a key, the maximum of the integer-indices is taken, and
+       the new key will be that maximum + 1. If no integer-indices yet
+       exist, the key will be <literal>0</literal> (zero). If you specify a key
+       that already has a value assigned to, that key will be overwritten.
+      </para>
+     </formalpara>
+     <para>
+      <synopsis>
+array( <optional> <replaceable>key</replaceable> =&gt; </optional> <replaceable
+     , ...
+     )
+// <replaceable>key</replaceable> is either <type>string</type
+                        > or nonnegative <type>integer</type>
+// <replaceable>value</replaceable> can be anything
+      </synopsis>
+     </para>
+    </sect3>
+    <sect3 id="language.types.array.syntax.modifying">
+     <title>Creating/modifying with square-bracket syntax</title>
+     <para>
+      You can also modify an existing array, by explicitely setting
+      values.
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      This is done by assigning values to the array while specifying the 
+      key in brackets. You can also 
+      omit the key, 
+      add an empty pair
+      of brackets ("<literal>[]</literal>") to the variable-name in that case.
+      <synopsis>
+$arr[<replaceable>key</replaceable>] = <replaceable>value</replaceable>;
+$arr[] = <replaceable>value</replaceable>;
+// <replaceable>key</replaceable> is either <type>string</type
+                        > or nonnegative <type>integer</type>
+// <replaceable>value</replaceable> can be anything
+      </synopsis>
+      If <varname>$arr</varname> doesn't yet exist, it will be created. 
+      So this is also
+      an alternative way to specify an array.
+      To change a certain value, just assign a new value
+      to it.
+      If you want to remove a key/value pair, you need to 
+      <function>unset</function> it. 
+     </para>
+    </sect3>
+   </sect2><!-- end syntax -->
+   <sect2 id="language.types.array.useful-funcs">
+    <title>Useful functions</title>
+    <para>
+     There are quite some useful function for working
+     with arrays, see the <link linkend="ref.array">array-functions</link> 
+     section.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     The <link linkend="control-structures.foreach">foreach</link> 
+     control-structure exists specificly for arrays. It 
+     provides an easy way to traverse an array.
+    </para>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="language.types.array.examples">
+    <title>Examples</title>
+    <para>
+     The array-type in PHP is very versatile, so here will be some 
+     examples to show you the full power of arrays.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+// this
+$a = array( 'color' => 'red'
+          , 'taste' => 'sweet',
+          , 'shape' => 'round',
+          , 'name'  => 'apple',
+          ,            4        // key will be 0
+          );
+// is completely equivalent with
+$a['color'] = 'red';
+$a['taste'] = 'sweet';
+$a['shape'] = 'round';
+$a[]        = 4;        // key will be 0
+$b[] = 'a';
+$b[] = 'b';
+$b[] = 'c';
+// will result in the array array( 0 => 'a' , 1 => 'b' , 2 => 'c' )
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
+     </para>
+    <example>
+     <title>Using array()</title>
+     <programlisting role="php">
+// Array as (property-)map
+$map = array( 'version'    =&gt; 4
+            , 'OS'         =&gt; 'Linux'
+            , 'lang'       =&gt; 'english'
+            , 'short_tags' =&gt; true
+            );
+// strictly numerical keys
+$array = array( 7
+              , 8
+              , 0
+              , 156
+              , -10
+              );
+// this is the same as array( 0 =&gt; 7, 1 =&gt; 8, ...)
+$switching = array(         10 // key = 0
+                  , 5    =&gt;  6
+                  , 3    =&gt;  7 
+                  , 'a'  =&gt;  4
+                  ,         11 // key = 6 (maximum of integer-indices was 5)
+                  , '8'  =&gt;  2 // key = 8 (integer!)
+                  , '02' =&gt; 77 // key = '02'
+                  , 0    =&gt; 12 // the value 10 will be overwritten by 12
+                  );
+<!-- TODO example of
+- mixed keys
+- overwriting keys
+- integer keys as string
+- using vars/functions as key/values
+- mixed skipping
+// empty array
+$empty = array();           
+     </programlisting>
+    </example>
+    <example id="language.types.array.examples.loop">
+     <title>Collection</title>
+     <programlisting role="php">
+$colors = array('red','blue','green','yellow');
+foreach ( $colors as $color )
+    echo "Do you like $color?\n";
+/* output:
+Do you like red?
+Do you like blue?
+Do you like green?
+Do you like yellow?
+     </programlisting>
+    </example>
+    <para>
+     Note that it is currently not possible to change the values of the array
+     directly in such a loop. 
+      <!--
+       Should be made possible, if you write:
+       foreach ( $colors as &$color )
+       See bug#3074
+      -->
+     A workaround is the following: 
+     <example id="language.types.array.examples.changeloop">
+      <title>Collection</title>
+      <programlisting role="php">
+<link linkend="control-structures.foreach">foreach</link> ( $colors as $key => $color 
+    // won't work:
+    //$color = <link linkend="function.strtoupper">strtoupper</link>($color);
+    //works:
+    $colors[$key] = <link linkend="function.strtoupper">strtoupper</link>($color);
+<link linkend="function.print-r">print_r</link>($colors);
+/* output:
+    [0] => RED
+    [1] => BLUE
+    [2] => GREEN
+    [3] => YELLOW
+      </programlisting>
+     </example>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     This example creates a one-based array.
+     <example>
+      <title>One-based index</title>
+      <programlisting role="php">
+$firstquarter  = array(1 => 'January', 'February', 'March');
+<link linkend="function.print-r">print_r</link>($firstquarter);
+/* output:
+    [1] => 'January'
+    [2] => 'February'
+    [3] => 'March'
+      </programlisting>
+     </example>
+    </para>
+    <example>
+     <title>Filling real array</title>
+     <programlisting role="php">
+// fill an array with all items from a <link linkend="ref.dir">directory</link>
+$handle = <link linkend="function.opendir">opendir</link>('.');
+while ( $file = <link linkend="function.readdir">readdir</link>($handle) ) 
+    $files[] = $file;
+<link linkend="function.closedir">closedir</link>($handle); 
+     </programlisting>
+    </example>
+    <para>
+     Arrays are ordered. You can also change the order using differen
+     sorting-functions. See <link linkend="ref.array">array-functions</link> 
+     for more information.
+    </para>
+    <example>
+     <title>Sorting array</title>
+     <programlisting role="php">
+<link linkend="function.sort">sort</link>($files);
+<link linkend="function.print-r">print_r</link>($files);
+     </programlisting>
+    </example>
+    <para>
+     Because the value of an array can be everything, it can also be 
+     another array. This way you can make recursive arrays, and
+     multi-dimensional arrays.
+    </para>
+    <example>
+     <title>Recursive and multi-dimensional arrays</title>
+     <programlisting role="php">
+$fruits = array ( "fruits"  =&gt; array ( "a" =&gt; "orange"
+                                     , "b" =&gt; "banana"
+                                     , "c" =&gt; "apple"
+                                     )
+                , "numbers" =&gt; array ( 1
+                                     , 2
+                                     , 3
+                                     , 4
+                                     , 5
+                                     , 6
+                                     )
+                , "holes"   =&gt; array (      "first"
+                                     , 5 =&gt; "second"
+                                     ,      "third"
+                                     )
+                );
+<!-- quite duplicate...
+$a = array(
+     "apple"  => array(
+          "color"  => "red",
+          "taste"  => "sweet",
+          "shape"  => "round"
+     ),
+     "orange"  => array(
+          "color"  => "orange",
+          "taste"  => "tart",
+          "shape"  => "round"
+     ),
+     "banana"  => array(
+          "color"  => "yellow",
+          "taste"  => "paste-y",
+          "shape"  => "banana-shaped"
+     )
+     </programlisting>
+    </example>
+   </sect2>
+   <!-- TODO
+   <sect2>
+    <title>Misc</title>
+    <sect3 id="">
+     <title>Why is <literal>$foo[bar]</literal> wrong?</title>
+     <para>
+      Because it is.
+     </para>
+    </sect3>
+   </sect2>
+   - example multi-dim with $arr[bla][bla] syntax
+   - converting to array
+   - warning about references
+   - note that assigning is copy (usually...)
+   -->  
+<!-- there is no such thing as multi/singel dim arrays (at least in PHP4) 
    <sect2 id="language.types.array.single-dim">
     <title>Single Dimension Arrays</title>
      PHP supports both scalar and associative arrays. In fact, there
      is no difference between the two.  You can create an array using
-     the <function>list</function> or <function>array</function>
+     the 
+     <function>list</function> 
+     Nope
+     or <function>array</function>
      functions, or you can explicitly set each array element value.
       <programlisting role="php"> 
@@ -857,6 +1377,8 @@
+   -->
   <sect1 id="language.types.object">
@@ -936,6 +1458,7 @@
@@ -944,11 +1467,29 @@
   <sect1 id="language.types.null">
+   <para>
+    The special <literal>NULL</literal> value represents 
+    that a variable has no value.
+   </para>
       The null-type was introduced in PHP 4
+   <sect2 id="language.types.null.syntax">
+    <title>Syntax</title>
+    <para>
+     There is only one value of type null, and that is 
+     the case-insensitive keyword
+     <literal>NULL</literal>.
+     <informalexample>
+      <programlisting role="php">
+$var = Null;       
+      </programlisting>
+     </informalexample>
+    </para>
+   </sect2>
@@ -975,11 +1516,31 @@
      <programlisting role="php">
 $foo = "0";  // $foo is string (ASCII 48)
+<!-- bad example, no real operator (must be used with variable, modifies it too)
 $foo++;      // $foo is the string "1" (ASCII 49)
-$foo += 1;   // $foo is now an integer (2)
+$foo += 2;   // $foo is now an integer (2)
 $foo = $foo + 1.3;  // $foo is now a double (3.3)
 $foo = 5 + "10 Little Piggies"; // $foo is integer (15)
 $foo = 5 + "10 Small Pigs";     // $foo is integer (15)
+TODO: explain ++/- - behaviour with strings
+++'001' = '002'
+++'abc' = 'abd'
+++'xyz' = 'xza'
+++'9.9' = '9.0'
+++'-3'  = '-4'
+- -'9'   = 8 (integer!)
+- -'5.5' = '5.5'
+- -'-9'  = -10 (integer)
+- -'09'  = 8 (integer)
+- -'abc' = 'abc'
@@ -996,13 +1557,7 @@
     If you would like to test any of the examples in this section, you
-    can cut and paste the examples and insert the following line to
-    see for yourself what's going on:
-    <informalexample>
-     <programlisting role="php">
-echo "\$foo==$foo; type is " . gettype ($foo) . "&lt;br&gt;\n";
-     </programlisting>
-    </informalexample>
+    can use the <function>var_dump</function> function.
@@ -1076,6 +1631,14 @@
+    <tip>
+     <simpara>
+      Instead of casting a variable to string, you can also use enclose
+      the variable in double quotes.
+      <!-- TODO: example -->
+     </simpara>
+    </tip>
      Note that tabs and spaces are allowed inside the parentheses, so
      the following are functionally equivalent:

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