Title: RE: [PHP-DOC] italian manual creation problem

> i was looking at the http://php.net/manual/it/build-it.log file and saw that
> the creation of the files gets interrupted with errors. Could somebody please
> send me to resources that will help me understanding what is going wrong in
> that creation process?

Many manuals are suffering from the same problem. Our hungarian
one too :(

>>> running make test ...
touch .manual.xml
CONFIG_FILES=manual.xml CONFIG_HEADERS= ./config.status
creating manual.xml
SP_ENCODING=ISO-8859-2 SGMLSCMD -i lang-hu -s /local/mirror/phpdoc/phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml
/bin/sh: SGMLSCMD: command not found
make: *** [test] Error 127


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