On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 12:43:28PM +0200, Damien Seguy wrote:
> I'm trying to set up some linux box to build the PHP documentation
> (hehe, I see Egon's eyes widening...).

I helped Thies on the LinuxDays to build the manual on Mandrake. It was
working within 15 minutes.
> This is debian 2.2.18, and Jade and docbook are already Installed.
> I cvs'ed all en tree, and also all files in phpdoc (configure.in,
> bightml.in....).
> autoconf works (at least, it doesn't say anything, and write some files),
> but ./configure tells me that it can't find any sources in . and ..
> What am I missing? 

If everthing is installed, you have to go into your main phpdoc directory.


LinuxTag, Stuttgart, Germany: July 5-8 2001: http://www.linuxtag.de/
All known books about PHP and related books: http://php.net/books.php 
Concert Band of the University of Hohenheim: http://www.concert-band.de/
First and second bestselling book in German: http://www.php-buch.de/

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