While you're waiting for the others to work,  this little gem will put $10,00 in 
your pockett in as little as two weeks!!..I guarantee it!!  Your only cost is a 
couple hours of your time and $10 or $20.  That's it.

                          THE GIFTING CLUB  (please take two min. to read this)

If you want to make several thousand dollars really quick, then please 
take two minutes to read and understand the program I am sharing with 
you.  No this is not what you think.  You do not have to send $5 to five 
people to buy a report, receipt, or get their mailing list.  Nor will you need 
to invest more money later to get things going.


Complete this in a couple hours and you'll never forget the day you 
received it.  If you are doing other programs, by all means stay with them.  
The more the merrier...please read on.

First, there are only three levels, not four, five or even nine like some other 
programs.  This three level program is much more realistic and much, 
much faster because it is so easy.  The response to this program is VERY 
HIGH and VERY FAST!!  You receive your money in a couple weeks, not 
a couple months.  

TRUE STORY:  Cindy Allen ran this summation four times last year.  The 
first time she received $3,000 in two weeks and $7,000 the next three 
weeks.   When this program is continued, as it should be,  EVERYONE 
PROFITS!!   Don't be afraid to gift a stranger.  There's an old saying that 
gifts will come back to you ten fold.

THE DETAILS:  You only need to mail out 20 copies, not 200 or more like 
other programs.  Mail them to friends, relatives,  poeple who send you their 
programs,  people who you know will continue the process.  Even if you're 
now in another program, stay with it by all means, but do yourself a favor, 
do this one as well!!  It is very simple and takes a very small ( $10 to $20 ) 
investment.  This will be big before the others even trickle in.  Just give 
ONE person $5.  That's it!!  Follow the simple instructions and in a couple 
weeks you'll have $10,000 because most people will respond to the low 
investment high speed and huge profit potential.  So lets's help each other 
by keeping it going!!

1. On a blank piece of paper write your name, address, and email address 
LEGIBLY and wrap it around a FIVE dollar bill.  Send it to the FIRST 
person on the list below ( #1 ).  ONLY THAT PERSON ON THE LIST 

2.  Retype the list, REMOVE the FIRST NAME ( #1 ) from the list.  Move 
the other two names up and add your name in the ( #3 ) position.

3.  If you're using snail mail, make however many copies you're sending 
out, ( at least 20 ) and send them out today!!!  If you're using email, make 
your initial mailing now and save it.  Every time you recieve an opportunity 
letter, mail them this.  

There is no more to do.  When your name reaches the first position,  it will 
be your turn to collect all your gifts.  

Can you do it??  Of course you can.  Get creative.  Each time you recieve 
a "Get Rich Quick" or "MLM" offer in the mail or your email, respond with 
THIS LETTER.  Your name will climb to the #1 position at dizzying rates.  
Some of you may want to purchase mailing lists or send out hundreds or 
even thousands of letters.  That's great.  The sky really is the limit with this 

ACT FAST AND GET PAID FAST!  Honesty and Integrity make this plan 
work.  Send $5 to the first name only.  Remove that name and move the 
other two up one position.  Add your name to position ( #3 ).  Copy names 
and addresses EXACTLY. 

#1. Daniel Weaver,  P.O. Box 7, Clarksburg, MO 65025

#2. S. Denyer, P.O. Box 406, Triangle, VA 22172

#3. Bayberry Store, 114 S. Main #305, Fond du Lac, WI 54935

This is a one time mailing so no need to remove.  If you wish we will 
remove your name from our data base.  Type remove in the subject line 
and email  [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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