On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> > Cannot anybody realize, that we are stating that the PDFs
> > are temporary unavailable, but this is the case for months
> > now????
> Sure
> > Jouni Ahto genererated the PDFs, and uploaded them to
> > rsync.php.net, but noone had some minutes, to give some
> > rights to Jouni, or just move the files to the webspace
> > to let it spread across mirrors, and be downloadable.
> Jouni has full sudo access on both rsync.php.net and www.php.net.

It seems that some people on the lists have got the impression that
the main developers of PHP and the people administering php.net servers
don't care about documentation, especially the PDF version. That's 110%
*not true*. The delays were caused by a slightly incorrect email-address
in cvsusers (it was found out today), which has probably made many
attempts to communicate fail with mail bouncing back. The situation is
corrected now.

Please re-adjust your attitudes accordingly.

-- Jouni

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