On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

> > > yet another reason for putting each translation into
> > > a CVS module of its own
> > 
> > Indeed, what about your not-so-recent-anymore proposals for changing the
> > set-up of translations? IIRC, people were enthousiast about it...
> > 
> > What's thet status of it again?
> We can hear more about this at the PHPConf in Frakfurt. :))
> There will be a session named "The PHP Manual and beyond",
> if I remember correctly... Then there will be some live
> discussion about the subject with the people there.

It would be interesting to hear something about Hartmuts thoughts, if they
are something not already discussed on this list. There's a *lot* of 
bigger probability them being accepted as-is if we know something
beforehand. And yes, I'm too lazy to browse through mail archives, unless
someone clearly says RTFMLA. 

Hope I can be there in Frankfurt. Although, doesn't seem very probable.
Have to save some money. Working like hell with my current project hoping
I can get it finished. Stock exchange software seemed like a good idea 9
months ago. Doesn't seem so good now, at least in Finland. Possibbly
unemployed within the next 3 months, like 30-40% of dealers. Hints about
new possibilities would be appreciated. CV available at request.

-- Jouni

PS: Sorry for being a bit off-topic.

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