> I'm  not  a professional designer and I'm not a designer at all (maybe
> yet).  But  I  don't  like this new design. "Old" chm is better for me
> because  it  looks  really  good.  It's  not so colorful but it's very
> convenient,  comfortable to use because there are no needless pictures
> and icons, just plain hypertext.

Currently the icons are not so useful, but they'll have useful
meaning when this type of manual will be ready (ie. instant
bug reporting, and updating to newer versions).

> Just compare "good old" chm (old.jpg)
> with  the  "new"  one (new.jpg). Do you feel the difference? You know,
> it's like, for example, music. I mean you can add background music for
> this  document but what for? The music will just irritate you. Here is
> the  same  situation.  Maybe I'm too conservative but I think when you
> simply  add User Contributed Notes to "old" chm and leave it as it is,
> it  will be the best variant. The "new" chm is better for now (because
> of  user  notes)

Is it just the user notes, you see as added value? Do you think, that
clearly separated notes, warnings, see also sections, separation of
function properies makes the manual easier to read? Are these all best
in the "old" CHM format? 

>  but I hope you'll find a good designer.

I hope so :) I am just uploading a newer version. It is much
more colorful. You won't like it I am sure. I went ahead with
colors and there is no white anywhere anymore... But I am too
not a good designer. Many readers said that this new design is
cool, but I don't like it too (although I made it).


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