The new design is very bad.
You should use an arial or times font, and only use greyscales.
I'm sorry but I think you really don't understand what is a good documentation design.
Plans for next version are really, really awfull. I think you want to prove to serious business companies that php is just a toy compared to java, and that's why you put flashy fake-3d graphics everywhere.
Apparently, you didn't yet understand that it's not because the doc displays on a screen that you can use as much colors as possible.
I'm disgusted.
And please, don't use DHTML in the doc unless you REALLY know what you do (i have 3 years of daily and very intensive DHTML experience and i can assure that it's no use for a doc).
This is the worst thing to do !!!
PHP will soon have a design that comes directely from the late 80s/early 90s...

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