derick          Mon Dec  3 02:46:10 2001 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/functions        outcontrol.xml 
  - Documentation for ob_get_level
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/outcontrol.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/outcontrol.xml:1.21 phpdoc/en/functions/outcontrol.xml:1.22
--- phpdoc/en/functions/outcontrol.xml:1.21     Fri Nov 30 06:05:47 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/outcontrol.xml  Mon Dec  3 02:46:09 2001
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.21 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.22 $ -->
  <reference id="ref.outcontrol">
   <title>Output Control Functions</title>
   <titleabbrev>Output Control</titleabbrev>
@@ -252,6 +252,31 @@
      This will return the length of the contents in the output buffer
      or &false;, if output buffering isnt't active.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     See also <function>ob_start</function> and
+     <function>ob_get_contents</function>.
+    </para>
+   </refsect1>
+  </refentry>
+  <refentry id="function.ob-get-level">
+   <refnamediv>
+    <refname>ob_get_level</refname>
+    <refpurpose>
+     Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism
+    </refpurpose>
+   </refnamediv>
+   <refsect1>
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <funcsynopsis>
+     <funcprototype>
+      <funcdef>int <function>ob_get_level</function></funcdef>
+      <void/>
+     </funcprototype>
+    </funcsynopsis>
+    <para>
+     This will return the level of nested output buffering handlers.
      See also <function>ob_start</function> and

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