On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 18:25, Mika Toewe wrote:
> Hi
> Is there anything that can manipulate a variable bit by bit? If have a
> variable $x that has to switch between two values. It doesn't matter if
> it is true or false, 0 and 255 or whatever. Normally the easiest way
> would be to use xor to have the variable switch between both states but
> I couldn't find anything like that in the reference.
> Does PHP support such kind of bit manipulation? Or does anybody know
> another way to have the variable switch on an easy way? I know that it
> is possible with several if...thens but I'm looking for an easier and
> faster way. Thanks for your answers and help.
> Mika

First off, please don't crosspost to all these lists. The list for 
general questions in PHP is [EMAIL PROTECTED]; the lists
this question was posted to are for the PHP quality assurance team, 
the documentation team, and the development team, respectively.

You can find a list of the available mailing lists, their
purposes, and an easy-to-use subscription form at:


Second, the knowledge you seek is in the manual, under 'Language
Reference|Operators|Bitwise operators':


Hope this helps,


 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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