> We stopped at the point to break up install, configure
> and ini docs to seperate small XML files, and put
> them under install/* install/configure/* and install/ini/*.
> This is not the final decision however...

I like install/ and install/configure makes sense 
but ini, imho, should be different.  How 
about making yet another root directory, /ini/.

Many people look at 'ini' information and never 
install PHP.  Whether it be used for ini_set, 
.htaccess or php.ini ... it's not really an install.

> If we can make up a table "previous ID", "new ID",
> process.php can do any changes in links to pages,
> so as long as ID changes are consequent, we can go
> on with that too...

It'd be nice if we could get a list of the most 
popular terms sent to php.net search box, and 
have those point directly to useful places in 
the manual in a similar fashion.  But, that's a 
different topic and bag of worms :)

Philip Olson

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