> creating bightml using xslt stylesheets and saxon takes less than
> 10 minutes compared to over an hour using jade
> creating chunked html takes about an hour using jade and about 5(!)
> using saxon, but here gnome libxslt does the job within 20 minutes
> for the print version i have no comparison values yet. it takes about
> 10 minutes to generate the xsl/foo, but i didn't manage to get apache
> fot to create pdf from it and i do not know of any other open/free
> fo processor :(   (ok, passiveTeX, but even its creator says its only
> a proof of concept and not meant to by of any real use yet)
> so we could gain a lot of speed by finaly switching from dsssl to xslt
> at least for the html based formats (including txt, chm and palmdoc),
> but ...

OK, So I wanted to test this stuff with XSL[T] processors on Windows.

I tried:

 MSXML (actually msxsl.exe is able to use MSXML from command line):

  | $ ./msxsl.exe manual.xml xsl/html.xsl
  | Error occurred while compiling stylesheet 'xsl/html.xsl'.
  | Code:   0x80004005
  | The xsl:apply-imports instruction may only occur within an
  | xsl:template instruction with a match attribute, and may not
  | occur within an xsl:for-each instruction.
  | Error occurred during compilation of included or imported
  | stylesheet 'chunk-common.xsl'.

  Actually the error message is buggy, because <xsl:apply-templates/>
  is only used in <xsl:template>, <xsl:when> and <xsl:otherwise>
  tags. So I searched up the content models for these tags, template
  is ok, but when and otherwise specifies the model this way:

  <!ELEMENT xsl:when %template;>
  <!ELEMENT xsl:otherwise %template;>

  %template is:

  <!ENTITY % template "(#PCDATA %instructions; %result-elements;)">

  Nor %instructions;, nor %result-elements; contain apply-templates,
  as possible children, so MSXML is right here, and chunk-common.xsl
  is not conforming to the XSLT DTD as presented in Appendix C of
  the XSLT spec.


  | $ ./saxon.exe manual.xml xsl/html.xsl
  | Error on line 35 column 5 of file:/g:/phpcvs/phpdoc/manual.xml:
   |  Error reported by XML parser: Cannot read from
  |  file:/g:/phpcvs/phpdoc/entities/en/bookinfo.xml
  |  (\g:\phpcvs\phpdoc\entities\en\bookinfo.xml)
  |  Transformation failed: Run-time errors were reported

  Saxon errors are because the "what is the base for relative paths?"
  question of saxon handled differently than jade/openjade. Saxon
  would like to open the files relative to the entity file, and not
  relative to the manual.xml file. Hartmut how you can handle this
  in your tests with XSL[T] processors?

I also searched up XT, but it is quite old, and not updated
since 1999 as I can see. I have not downloaded xalan, as thought,
one of the programs above should work. :((

I would be very happy to see MSXML working, as it must beat in
spead any Java app on Windows, as it is native MS code. Though
this prog is not a solution for general phpdoc needs, it would
be enough for CHM related tasks, if I can get it working...
BTW I tested with "MSXML 4.0 RTM" and "MSXSL 4.0".


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