Just wondering if anybody had gotten anything going on this beyond 
what's in en/appendices/predefined.xml--if not, I've got a script 
which sucks out all of the predefined constants ('cept for the weird
ones in mcrypt and ncurses) and writes the XML for them. I can commit 
anytime, but don't want to step on any toes in case someone already
has something ready to commit.

The script splits the constants up into 'core' (PHP/Zend/sapi) 
constants and 'extension' constants, which are further separated into
their own respective extension sections.

If I don't here anything against in the next few hours, I'll commit 
tonight or tomorrow and if it bothers somebody they can revert it. :)

I'm also modifying the script to do the same thing for predefined
variables, and, hopefully, classes as well.


 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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