gerzson         Fri Feb 15 19:17:18 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/functions        dbx.xml 
  introduce brand new tagging in dbx.xml according to my discussion with Marc
  Boeren. Anyone who finds difficult to figure out the changes, feel free to
  contact me!
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/dbx.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/dbx.xml:1.24 phpdoc/en/functions/dbx.xml:1.25
--- phpdoc/en/functions/dbx.xml:1.24    Wed Feb 13 06:20:47 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/dbx.xml Fri Feb 15 19:17:18 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.24 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.25 $ -->
  <reference id="ref.dbx">
   <title>dbx functions</title>
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
      Returns &true; on success,
@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@
      <programlisting role="php">
-$link = dbx_connect ("mysql", "localhost", "db", "username", "password")
+$link = dbx_connect(DBX_MYSQL, "localhost", "db", "username", "password")
     or die ("Could not connect");
 print("Connected successfully");
@@ -76,80 +77,107 @@
-      <type>dbx_link_object</type><methodname>dbx_connect</methodname>
-      <methodparam><type>string</type><parameter>module</parameter></methodparam>
+      <type>object</type><methodname>dbx_connect</methodname>
+      <methodparam><type>mixed</type><parameter>module</parameter></methodparam>
-    <para>
-     Returns: a dbx_link_object on success, &false;
-     on error.  If a connection has been made but the database could not
-     be selected, the connection is closed and &false;
-     is returned. The 'persistent' parameter can be set to 
-     DBX_PERSISTENT so a persistent connection will be created.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     The <parameter>module</parameter> parameter can be either a string
-     or a constant. The possible values are given below, but keep in 
-     mind that they only work if the module is actually loaded.
-    </para>
+    <simpara>
+     <function>dbx_connect</function> returns an object on success, &false; on
+     error. If a connection has been made but the database could not be 
+     selected, the connection is closed and &false; is returned. 
+     The <parameter>persistent</parameter> parameter can be set to 
+     <constant>DBX_PERSISTENT</constant>, if so, a persistent connection will be
+     created.
+    </simpara>
+    <simpara>
+     The <parameter>module</parameter> parameter can be either a string or a
+     constant, though the latter form is preferred. The possible values are 
+     given below, but keep in mind that they only work if the module is 
+     actually loaded.
+    </simpara>
-        module DBX_MYSQL : "mysql"
+        <constant>DBX_MYSQL</constant> or "mysql"
-        module DBX_ODBC : "odbc"
+        <constant>DBX_ODBC</constant> or "odbc"
-        module DBX_PGSQL : "pgsql"
+        <constant>DBX_PGSQL</constant> or "pgsql"
-        module DBX_MSSQL : "mssql"
+        <constant>DBX_MSSQL</constant> or "mssql"
-        module DBX_FBSQL : "fbsql" (CVS only)
+        <constant>DBX_FBSQL</constant> or "fbsql" (available from PHP 4.1.0)
-     The dbx_link_object has three members, a 'handle', a 'module' and
-     a 'database'.  The 'database' member is the name of the currently
-     selected database. The 'module' member is for internal use by dbx
-     only, and is actually the module number mentioned above. The
-     'handle' member is a valid handle for the connected database, and
-     as such can be used in module-specific functions (if required),
-     e.g.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php">
+     The <parameter>host</parameter>, <parameter>database</parameter>, 
+     <parameter>username</parameter> and <parameter>password</parameter> 
+     parameters are expected, but not always used depending on the connect
+     functions for the abstracted module.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     The returned <varname>object</varname> has three properties:
+     <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>database</property>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         It is the name of the currently selected database. 
+        </simpara>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>handle</property>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>
+         It is a valid handle for the connected database, and as such it can be
+         used in module-specific functions (if required).
+         <informalexample>
+          <programlisting role="php">
-$link = dbx_connect ("mysql", "localhost", "db", "username", "password");
+$link = dbx_connect (DBX_MYSQL, "localhost", "db", "username", "password");
 mysql_close ($link->handle); // dbx_close($link) would be better here
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     Host, database, username and password parameters are expected,
-     but not always used, depending on the connect-functions for the
-     abstracted module.
+          </programlisting>
+         </informalexample>
+        </para>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>module</property>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         It is used internally by dbx only, and is actually the module number
+         mentioned above.
+        </simpara>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+     </variablelist>
@@ -157,8 +185,9 @@
       <programlisting role="php">
-$link = dbx_connect ("odbc", "", "db", "username", "password", DBX_PERSISTENT)
+$link = dbx_connect (DBX_ODBC, "", "db", "username", "password", DBX_PERSISTENT)
     or die ("Could not connect");
 print ("Connected successfully");
 dbx_close ($link);
@@ -189,26 +218,26 @@
-    <para>
-     Returns a string containing the error-message from the last
-     function call of the module (e.g. mysql-module). If there are
-     multiple connections on the same module, just the last error is
-     given. If there are connections on different modules, the latest
-     error is returned for the specified module (specified by the link
-     parameter, that is). Note that the ODBC-module doesn't support an
-     error_reporting function at the moment.
-    </para>
+    <simpara>
+     <function>dbx_error</function> returns a string containing the error 
+     message from the last function call of the abstracted module (e.g. 
+     mysql module). If there are multiple connections in the same module,
+     just the last error is given. If there are connections on different 
+     modules, the latest error is returned for the module specified by the 
+     <parameter>link_identifier</parameter> parameter.  
+    </simpara>
      <title><function>dbx_error</function> example</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
-$link = dbx_connect ("mysql", "localhost", "db", "username", "password")
+$link   = dbx_connect(DBX_MYSQL, "localhost", "db", "username", "password")
     or die ("Could not connect");
-$result = dbx_query ($link, "select id from nonexistingtbl");
-if ($result==0) {
+$result = dbx_query($link, "select id from non_existing_table");
+if ( $result == 0 ) {
     echo dbx_error ($link);
 dbx_close ($link);
@@ -221,7 +250,7 @@
       Always refer to the module-specific documentation as well.
-      The error-message for Microsoft SQL Server is actually the result
+      The error message for Microsoft SQL Server is actually the result
       of the <function>mssql_get_last_message</function> function.
@@ -236,135 +265,227 @@
-      <type>dbx_result_object</type><methodname>dbx_query</methodname>
+      <type>object</type><methodname>dbx_query</methodname>
+    <simpara>
+     <function>dbx_query</function> returns an object or <literal>1</literal> 
+     on success, and <literal>0</literal> on failure. The result object is 
+     returned only if the query given in <parameter>sql_statement</parameter>
+     produces a result set. 
+    </simpara>
+    <example>
+     <title>How to handle the returned value</title>
+     <programlisting role="php">
+$link   = dbx_connect(DBX_ODBC, "", "db", "username", "password")
+    or die("Could not connect");
+$result = dbx_query($link, 'SELECT id, parentid, description FROM table');
+if ( is_object($result) ) {
+    // ... do some stuff here, see detailed examples below ...
+    // first, print out field names and types 
+    // then, draw a table filled with the returned field values
+else if ( $result == 1 ) {
+    echo("Query executed successfully, but no result set returned");
+else {
+    exit("Query failed");
+     </programlisting>
+    </example>
-     Returns a dbx_result_object or 1 on success (a result object is
-     only returned for sql-statements that return results) or 0 on
-     failure. The <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter is used to 
-     control the amount of
-     information that is returned. It may be any combination of the
-     OR-ed together. DBX_RESULT_INFO provides info about columns, such
-     as field names and field types. DBX_RESULT_INDEX returns the
-     results in a 2d indexed array (e.g. data[2][3], where 2 is the
-     row (or record) number and 3 is the column (or field) number),
-     where the first row and column are indexed at 0. DBX_RESULT_ASSOC
-     associates the column indices with field names. Note that
-     DBX_RESULT_INDEX is always returned, regardless of the 
-     <parameter>flags</parameter>
-     parameter.  If DBX_RESULT_ASSOC is specified, DBX_RESULT_INFO is
-     also returned even if it wasn't specified. This means that
-     effectively only the combinations DBX_RESULT_INDEX,
-     DBX_RESULT_INFO | DBX_RESULT_ASSOC are possible. This last
-     combination is the default if the <parameter>flags</parameter> 
-     parameter isn't specified. Associated results are actual 
-     references to the indexed data, so if you modify 
-     <literal>data[0][0]</literal>, then 
-     <literal>data[0]['fieldnameforfirstcolumn']</literal> is 
-     modified as well.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     A dbx_result_object has five members (possibly four depending on
-     <parameter>flags</parameter>), 'handle', 'cols', 'rows', 'info' 
-     (optional) and 'data'. Handle is a valid result identifier for 
-     the specified module, and as such can be used in module-specific
-     functions, as seen in the example:
+     The <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter is used to control the amount of
+     information that is returned. It may be any combination of the following 
+     constants with the bitwise OR operator (|):
+     <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INDEX</constant>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         It is <emphasis>always</emphasis> set, that is, the returned object 
+         has a <property>data</property> property which is a 2 dimensional
+         array indexed numerically. For example, in the expression 
+         <literal>data[2][3]</literal> <literal>2</literal> stands for the row
+         (or record) number and <literal>3</literal> stands for the column 
+         (or field) number. The first row and column are indexed at 0.
+        </simpara>
+        <simpara>
+         If <constant>DBX_RESULT_ASSOC</constant> is also specified, the 
+         returning object contains the information related to 
+         <constant>DBX_RESULT_INFO</constant> too, even if it was not specified. 
+        </simpara>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INFO</constant>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         It provides info about columns, such as field names and field types.
+        </simpara>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_ASSOC</constant>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         It effects that the field values can be accessed with the respective 
+         column names used as keys to the returned object's 
+         <property>data</property> property.
+        </simpara>
+        <simpara>
+         Associated results are actually references to the numerically indexed 
+         data, so modifying <literal>data[0][0]</literal> causes that
+         <literal>data[0]['field_name_for_first_column']</literal> is modified
+         as well.
+        </simpara>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+     </variablelist>
+     Note that <constant>DBX_RESULT_INDEX</constant> is always used, regardless 
+     of the actual value of <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter. This means 
+     that the following combinations is effective only:
+     <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INDEX</constant>
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INDEX</constant> |
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INFO</constant>
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INDEX</constant> |
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_INFO</constant> |
+        <constant>DBX_RESULT_ASSOC</constant> - this is the default, if 
+        <parameter>flags</parameter> is not specified.
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+     </itemizedlist>
-     <informalexample role="php">
-      <programlisting>
+     The returing <varname>object</varname> has four or five
+     properties depending on <parameter>flags</parameter>:
+     <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>handle</property>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>
+         It is a valid handle for the connected database, and as such it can be
+         used in module specific functions (if required).
+         <informalexample role="php">
+          <programlisting>
-$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id FROM tbl");
+$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id FROM table");
 mysql_field_len ($result->handle, 0);
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     The cols and rows members contain the number of columns (or
-     fields) and rows (or records) respectively, e.g.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php">
+          </programlisting>
+         </informalexample>
+        </para>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>cols</property> and <property>rows</property>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>
+         These contain the number of columns (or fields) and rows (or records)
+         respectively.
+         <informalexample>
+          <programlisting role="php">
-$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id FROM tbl");
-echo "result size: " . $result->rows . " x " . $result->cols . "<br>\n";
+$result = dbx_query ($link, 'SELECT id FROM table');
+echo $result->rows; // number of records
+echo $result->cols; // number of fields 
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     The info member is only returned if DBX_RESULT_INFO and/or
-     DBX_RESULT_ASSOC are specified in the <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter.
-     It is a 2d array, that has two named rows ("name" and "type") to retrieve
-     column information, e.g.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php">
+          </programlisting>
+         </informalexample>
+        </para>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>info</property> (optional)
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         It is returned only if either <constant>DBX_RESULT_INFO</constant> or
+         <constant>DBX_RESULT_ASSOC</constant> is specified in the
+         <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter. It is a 2 dimensional array,
+         that has two named rows (<literal>name</literal> and 
+         <literal>type</literal>) to retrieve column information.
+        </simpara>
+        <example>
+         <title>lists each field's name and type</title>
+         <programlisting role="php">
-$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id FROM tbl");
-echo "column name: " . $result->info["name"][0] . "<br>\n";
-echo "column type: " . $result->info["type"][0] . "<br>\n";
+$result = dbx_query ($link, 'SELECT id FROM table', DBX_RESULT_INDEX | 
+for ($i = 0; $i < $result->cols; $i++ ) {
+    echo $result->info['name'][$i] . "\n";
+    echo $result->info['type'][$i] . "\n";  
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     The data member contains the actual resulting data, possibly
-     associated with column names as well. If DBX_RESULT_ASSOC is set,
-     it is possible to use
-     <literal>$result->data[2]["fieldname"]</literal>.
-    </para>
-    <example>
-     <title><function>dbx_query</function> example</title>
-     <programlisting role="php">
+         </programlisting>
+        </example>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+       <term>
+        <property>data</property>
+       </term>
+       <listitem>
+        <simpara>
+         This property contains the actual resulting data, possibly associated 
+         with column names as well depending on <parameter>flags</parameter>.
+         If <constant>DBX_RESULT_ASSOC</constant> is set, it is possible to use
+         <literal>$result->data[2]["field_name"]</literal>.
+        </simpara>
+        <example>
+         <title>outputs the content of data property into HTML table</title>
+         <programlisting role="php">
-$link = dbx_connect ("odbc", "", "db", "username", "password")
-    or die ("Could not connect");
-$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id, parentid, description FROM tbl");
-if ($result==0) echo "Query failed\n<br>";
-elseif ($result==1) {
-    echo "Query executed successfully\n<br>";
-} else {
-    $rows=$result->rows;
-    $cols=$result->cols;
-    echo "<p>table dimension: {$result->rows} x {$result->cols}<br><table 
-    echo "<tr>";
-    for ($col=0; $col<$cols; ++$col) {
-        echo 
+$result = dbx_query ($link, 'SELECT id, parentid, description FROM table');
+echo "<table>\n";
+foreach ( $result->data as $row ) {
+    echo "<tr>\n";
+    foreach ( $row as $field ) {
+        echo "<td>$field</td>";
     echo "</tr>\n";
-    for ($row=0; $row<$rows; ++$row){
-        echo "<tr>";
-        for ($col=0; $col<$cols; ++$col) {
-            echo "<td>-{$result->data[$row][$col]}-</td>";
-        }
-        echo "</tr>\n";
-    }
-    echo "</table><p>\n";
-    echo "table dimension: {$result->rows} x id, parentid, description<br><table 
-    for ($row=0; $row<$rows; ++$row) {
-        echo "<tr>";
-        echo "<td>-{$result->data[$row]["id"]}-</td>";
-        echo "<td>-{$result->data[$row]["parentid"]}-</td>";
-        echo "<td>-{$result->data[$row]["description"]}-</td>";
-        echo "</tr>\n";
-    }
-    echo "</table><p>\n";
+echo "</table>\n";
-     </programlisting>
-    </example>
+         </programlisting>
+        </example>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+     </variablelist>
+    </para>
       Always refer to the module-specific documentation as well.
@@ -387,13 +508,20 @@
+      <methodparam><type>object</type><parameter>result</parameter></methodparam>
      Returns &true; on success,
      &false; on error.
+    <note>
+     <simpara>
+      It is always better to use <literal>ORDER BY</literal>
+      <literal>SQL</literal> clause instead of <function>dbx_sort</function>,
+      if possible.
+     </simpara>
+    </note>
      <title><function>dbx_sort</function> example</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
@@ -401,16 +529,21 @@
 function user_re_order ($a, $b) {
     $rv = dbx_compare ($a, $b, "parentid", DBX_CMP_DESC);
-    if (!$rv) $rv = dbx_compare ($a, $b, "id");
+    if ( !$rv ) {
+        $rv = dbx_compare ($a, $b, "id", DBX_CMP_NUMBER);
+    }
     return $rv;
-$link = dbx_connect ("odbc", "", "db", "username", "password")
+$link   = dbx_connect ("odbc", "", "db", "username", "password")
     or die ("Could not connect");
 $result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id, parentid, description FROM tbl ORDER BY id");
-echo "resulting data is now ordered by id<br>";
+    // data in $result is now ordered by id
 dbx_sort ($result, "user_re_order");
-echo "resulting data is now ordered by parentid (descending), then by id<br>";
+    // data in $result is now ordered by parentid (descending), then by id
 dbx_close ($link);
@@ -433,24 +566,57 @@
+      <methodparam><type>string</type><parameter>column_key</parameter></methodparam>
-     Returns 0 if row_a[$columnname_or_index] is equal to
-     row_b[$columnname_or_index], 1 if it is greater and -1 if it is
-     smaller (or vice versa if the DBX_CMP_DESC flag is set).
+     <function>dbx_compare</function> returns <literal>0</literal> if the 
+     <literal>row_a[$column_key]</literal> is equal to 
+     <literal>row_b[$column_key]</literal>, and <literal>1</literal> or 
+     <literal>-1</literal> if the former is greater or is smaller than 
+     the latter one, respectively, or vice versa if the 
+     <parameter>flag</parameter> is set to <constant>DBX_CMP_DESC</constant>.
+     <function>dbx_compare</function> is a helper function for 
+     <function>dbx_sort</function> to ease the make and use of the custom 
+     sorting function.
      The <parameter>flags</parameter> can be set to specify comparison
-     direction (whether sorting is ascending or descending) and 
-     comparison type (force string or numeric compare by converting the
-     data). The constants for direction are DBX_CMP_ASC and DBX_CMP_DESC. 
-     The constants for comparison type are DBX_CMP_NATIVE (no 
-     conversion), DBX_CMP_TEXT and DBX_CMP_NUMBER. These constants can
-     be OR-ed together. The default value for the 
-     <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter is DBX_CMP_ASC | 
+     direction: 
+     <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_CMP_ASC</constant> - ascending order
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_CMP_DESC</constant> - descending order
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+     </itemizedlist>
+     and the preferred comparison type:
+     <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_CMP_NATIVE</constant> - no type conversion
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_CMP_TEXT</constant> - compare items as strings
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+       <simpara>
+        <constant>DBX_CMP_NUMBER</constant> - compare items numerically
+       </simpara>
+      </listitem>
+     </itemizedlist>
+     One of the direction and one of the type constant can be combined with 
+     bitwise OR operator (|). The default value for the 
+     <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter is <constant>DBX_CMP_ASC</constant>
+     | <constant>DBX_CMP_NATIVE</constant>.
      <title><function>dbx_compare</function> example</title>
@@ -459,18 +625,21 @@
 function user_re_order ($a, $b) {
     $rv = dbx_compare ($a, $b, "parentid", DBX_CMP_DESC);
-    if (!$rv) { 
-        $rv = dbx_compare ($a, $b, "id");
-        return $rv;
+    if ( !$rv ) {
+        $rv = dbx_compare ($a, $b, "id", DBX_CMP_NUMBER);
+    return $rv;
-$link = dbx_connect ("odbc", "", "db", "username", "password")
+$link   = dbx_connect ("odbc", "", "db", "username", "password")
     or die ("Could not connect");
-$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id, parentid, description FROM tbl ORDER BY id");
-echo "resulting data is now ordered by id<br>";
+$result = dbx_query ($link, "SELECT id, parentid, description FROM table ORDER BY 
+    // data in $result is now ordered by id
 dbx_sort ($result, "user_re_order");
-echo "resulting data is now ordered by parentid (descending), then by id<br>";
+    // date in $result is now ordered by parentid (descending), then by id
 dbx_close ($link);
@@ -503,5 +672,4 @@
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