On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 03:40, Georg Richter wrote:
> On Monday, 18. February 2002 23:59, Lars Torben Wilson wrote:
> >    Appendix <x>: List of reserved words
> >      - Language keywords
> >      - Predefined variables
> >      - Predefined constants
> >      - Predefined classes
> an Appendix would be nice, but the constants should be listed in the function 
> reference too. 
> Georg

I agree. Or rather, what I would like to do later is split this
monstrous file into reserved.constants.<ext>.xml files. But until
then, I don't intend to remove any existing constant lists from the 
function reference, just from the Language|Constants section.

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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