Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> So I finally decided to wait till the update ends. The update
> took 13 megabytes of data sent to the CVS server. I don't know
> what was in that 13 megabytes, but the received data was only
> about 1 megabytes...

the CVS pserver protocol isn't as clever regarding the detection of
changes while minimizing transfered data like rsync is

as soon as the client side detects possible changes it transfers
the complete local file to the server which does a local diff then

and guess how it detects local changes? by comparing the files
modification time to whatever is recoded in the CVS/Entries files

now guess what made it think all your files were locally changed
over the weekend :(

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

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