splitted files are now available under

   http://php-groupies.de/php/split.tar.gz  (~2MBytes)

you can test splitted build by unpacking this within your phpdoc dir
and rerunning configure to get the file entities right (requires
configure to detect working PHP as the old shell code for generating
entities has no support for the new sturcture)

Each extension now has a subdir under $lang/reference, with a seperate
subdir for function files. See for example array_splice() which used to
live in .../functions/array.xml and now resides in

the splitted files have some additional comment headers:

<!-- splitted from ./de/functions/array.xml, last change in rev 1.11 -->
original file and revision this was taken from

<!-- last change to 'array-splice' in en/ tree in rev 1.14 -->
last change to this functions documentation in CVS
this gets the max. revision number for the line range of the
function using "cvs annotate"

<!-- EN-Revision: 1.1 Maintainer: tom Status: ready -->
new EN-Revision header, always 1.1 if function was in sync
before split or 0.0 if not

<!-- OLD-Revision: 1.168/EN.1.14 -->
old EN-Revision entry and max. revision from en tree for quick comparison

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.six.de  +49-711-99091-77

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