
    thanks for pointing out this, I blindly searched/replaced
    getopt -> get_option, etc. Seems I'm a complete moron
    because that way my local couldn't work either ;-) I've fixed
    it, let's hope it builds now.

    thanks again,

        - Markus

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 09:44:50AM +0200, Simone Cortesi wrote : 
> At 09.16 02/05/02 +0200, Markus Fischer wrote:
> >/usr/bin/jade:/local/mirror/phpdoc/en/reference/sockets/functions.xml:9:1:E: 
> >general entity "reference.sockets.functions.socket-get-option" not defined 
> >and no default entity
> There is a mismatch here:   <refentry id="function.socket-get_option">
> But in file /en/reference/socket/functions.xml it is referenced like this: 
> &reference.sockets.functions.socket-get-option; (an yipen instead uf 
> underscore)
> Same thing for set-option function.
> Is it underscore or (-) ?
> Bye,
> Simone.
> -- 
> "Tutto e' possibile in Maggio.
>   In May, everything is possible." -- Mario Bisio.

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
GnuPG Key: http://guru.josefine.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc
"Mind if I MFH ?" "What QA did you do on it?" "the usual?" "ah... none :)"

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