On Friday, 3. May 2002 08:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Oh, btw, it sais "3. The contents of examples with programlistings start
> on column 0 in the XML code." IMO <?php is also code, and just like { or }
> and thus need indentation, but that is my opinion. ANyway, I think
> indenting everything with four spaces adds a lot to readbility in code, as
> your left margin is usually the most left pixel of your screen.
> Derick

Its easier to read, when the lines between <?php and ?> are indented.
It could be only a problem, when the lines are too long.

Some weeks before I made a workaround, but didn't changed the complete 
identation (only these examples, which are wrong or had to be corrected).


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