Hi Markus,

>     Hi,

>     Ok, now happened what I didn't foresee :) I just wanted to
>     start writing down some CLI specific features when i realized
>     that in fact we have two CLI executables. The CGI version is
>     still present and will for a long time, and has its own
>     command line interface (it's mostly the same, but there are
>     switches in CGI which aren't in CLI and of course the other
>     way round).

>     How we should handle this now?

>     Write a single CLI chapter, explaining all of the CLI
>     features and telling people where this differs from the CGI
>     CLI interface or put up a separate page for the CGI?

>     Personally I'm for documenting everything, for which I think
>     keeping CGI command line separate would be a good thing. So
>     we woukd have a command CLI chapter, documenting fully CGI in
>     one part and fully CLI in the other. However I'm not that
>     familiar what's best for docbook organization with such
>     things.

>     - Markus

see http://www.php-start.de/features/ for a possible solution.
Of course this could be changed or altered in any way.

Let me know and I'll commit and you can write the docu :-)


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