Hi Marco,

Friday, August 9, 2002, 11:39:15 AM, you wrote:

> Hello,
> while I was translating an XML I saw this 
> <section id="pgsql.requirenments">

> I guess this is a typo... but then I did:

> [marco@caesar en]$ pwd
> /home/marco/devel/phpdoc/en
> [marco@caesar en]$ grep -r requirements * | wc
>      62     229    4226
> [marco@caesar en]$ grep -r requirenments * | wc
>      48     144    3289

> that is, 43% of typos. I searched in the Webster but it said that 
> "requirenment" does not exist... should we correct the tags?

Yes, this was my fault while applying the new structure, you know that
copy  &  paste errors :-( . This is now corrected in the en tree, I'll
commit this now.
Sorry for the trouble and thanks for your "good eyes" !



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