On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Marcus [iso-8859-1] Börger wrote:

> >2) Can we please remove the "http://www.php.net/manual/en/blahblahblah";
> >style of use for this?  It will tend to force users into one language or
> >another, and not make PHP as friendly/usable to other languages.
> NO! First you can simply set docref_root in your ini to point to your local
> copy of the manual in whatever language and Second it is a problem of
> the php website. It should automatically redirect from
> php.net/function.<functionname>
> to php.net/manual/<yourlanguage>/<functionname>.php

I'm not sure I see the point still.  What I'm proposing is not allowing:

php_error_docref("http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen"; TSRMLS_CC,
E_WARNING, "Spongebob Square Pants rules");

as a valid call from within an extension.  Because this limits anytime
this error occurs to the English manual description only, or any language
which is defined really.  There is no need for this, as you have provided
another option which works much cleaner and better (through the ini
options) in my opinion.  While the PHP website may have a bug (or two) in
it, it's no reason to force end users to be reading languages that they
don't know or prefer.

I have nothing wrong with:

php_error_docref("function.fopen" TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Spongebob Square
Pants lives in a pineapple under the sea");

To me that should be the recommended method, as it will allow the php.ini
values for language to override everything nicely, and everyone can see
the PHP manual in their desired language.  The error of course is still in
English but thats another matter.

Dan Kalowsky                    "A little less conversation,
http://www.deadmime.org/~dank    a little more action."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        - "A Little Less Conversation",
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        Elvis Presley

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