When I trying to make chm manual, I do 'make html', then copy 'html' tree to
Windows and do 'make_chm.bat'.  But I found in the file 'php_manual_en.hhk'
and 'php_manual_en.hhc' it generated line 19 is:

      <param name="Name" value="</A >PHP Manual</H1 > ... Copyright">

There are actually 718 characters in the 'value' field.  It should be 'Table
of Contents'.

Then I found in phpdoc/chm/make_chm.php line 87 - 91 are:

87:    preg_match('|CLASS=\"title\" ><A NAME=\"manual\" >(.+)</A|U',
$indexline, $match);
88:    if (empty($match[1])) { // Fallback
89:        $match[1] = "Table of Contents";
90:    }
91:    mapAndIndex($match[1], $INDEX_IN_HTML, "    ", $toc, $index, 21);

These lines are to process 'html\index.html' file.  But in 'index.html' file
from line 27 to 33 are:

>PHP Manual</H1

(The LF will be replaced with a SPACE character before preg_match and will
be contained in $indexline.)

Because in preg_match it use (.+) as the pattern, so the $match[1] will
never be empty, it will match to the next '</A' pattern.  And this is that
718 characters string above.

In this case, running 'make_chm.bat' can still generate a
'php_manual_en.chm' file with a warning from hhc.exe, but the title of the
second item on the left side bar will be 'undefined'.

I found replace the (.+) parrern with (.*) could address this issue.  But
the magic thing is in 'php_manual_en.chm' file from php.net, the title of
the second item on the left side bar is 'PHP Manual'.  How'd they do that?
Did I make something wrong?  I think this will happen when line 27 to 33 of
file 'index.html' are:

>PHP Manual</A

And this is it supposed to be, right?

But why don't they just use "Table of Contents" on line 91 of

Another problem is how do I use Chinese version of "Table of Contents"
instead of English one?

'make_chm.bat' is not an automatic process for me, I have to do a lot of
manual modify during making CHM manual.

I hope someone will help me with this problem, and translators of other

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