> The en build log is here: (en == $lang)
>   http://www.php.net/en/blog
>   http://www.php.net/manual/en/build.log.gz
> Last en build start: Sat Oct 19 02:00:25 PDT 2002
>                 end: Sat Oct 19 13:43:05 PDT 2002
> Q: Is this build.log from the last successful build
> or the last attempted build?  Or does it take a few
> days to finish up all the other php.net building?  Or 
> does phpdoc en take Sundays off? :)

The build log is always the latest *attempted* build, as
otherwise you would not be able to look up errors in it.
Other languages take the resources from the build process
probably... As you can see, one language takes approx.
a half day.


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