goba            Mon Nov  4 12:34:52 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/language types.xml 
  Going on with general cleanups. Removing the whole outdated
  and long ago commented single/multidimensional array parts.
  Adding more examples, adding some points that were in TODO.
Index: phpdoc/en/language/types.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/language/types.xml:1.94 phpdoc/en/language/types.xml:1.95
--- phpdoc/en/language/types.xml:1.94   Mon Nov  4 10:45:11 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/language/types.xml        Mon Nov  4 12:34:52 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.94 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.95 $ -->
  <chapter id="language.types">
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@
 echo "This is { $great}"; // won't work, outputs: This is { fantastic}
 echo "This is {$great}";  // works, outputs: This is fantastic
 echo "This square is {$square->width}00 centimeters broad."; 
-echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";     
+echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";
 // This is wrong for the same reason
 // as $foo[bar] is wrong outside a string. 
@@ -946,35 +946,15 @@
        <title>Some string examples</title>
        <programlisting role="php">
-<!-- TODO: either move these examples to a example section,
-as with arrays, or distribute them under the applicable
-sections. -->
-/* Assigning a string. */
-$str = "This is a string";
-/* Appending to it. */
-$str = $str . " with some more text";
-/* Another way to append, includes an escaped newline. */
-$str .= " and a newline at the end.\n";
-/* This string will end up being '<p>Number: 9</p>' */
-$num = 9;
-$str = "<p>Number: $num</p>";
-/* This one will be '<p>Number: $num</p>' */
-$num = 9;
-$str = '<p>Number: $num</p>';
-/* Get the first character of a string  */
+// Get the first character of a string
 $str = 'This is a test.';
 $first = $str{0};
-/* Get the last character of a string. */
+// Get the last character of a string.
 $str = 'This is still a test.';
-$last = $str{strlen($str)-1};
+$last = $str{strlen($str)-1}; 
@@ -985,7 +965,7 @@
    </sect2><!-- end syntax -->
    <sect2 id="language.types.string.useful-funcs">
-    <title>Useful functions</title><!-- and operators -->
+    <title>Useful functions and operators</title>
      Strings may be concatenated using the '.' (dot) operator. Note
      that the '+' (addition) operator will not work for this. Please
@@ -1013,6 +993,7 @@
      see also the <link linkend="ref.ctype">character type functions</link>.
    <sect2 id="language.types.string.casting">
     <title>Converting to string</title>
@@ -1145,8 +1126,7 @@
     This type is optimized in several ways,
     so you can use it as a real array, or a list (vector), 
     hashtable (which is an implementation of a map), 
-    dictionary, <!-- is a map -->
-    collection,
+    dictionary, collection,
     stack, queue and probably more. Because you can have another
     PHP-array as a value, you can also quite easily simulate
@@ -1154,10 +1134,8 @@
     Explanation of those structures is beyond the scope of this manual,
     but you'll find at least one example for each of those structures.
-    For more information about those structures, we refer you to
-    external literature about this broad topic. 
-    <!-- like goodrich&tamassia: datastructures and algorithmes.
-    Only, the subtitle is: in Java, and it's quite academic too -->
+    For more information we refer you to external literature about
+    this broad topic.
    <sect2 id="language.types.array.syntax">
@@ -1170,19 +1148,47 @@
       language-construct. It takes a certain number of comma-separated
       <literal><replaceable>key</replaceable> =&gt; <replaceable
-      pairs. 
+      pairs.
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      <synopsis>
+array( <optional> <replaceable>key</replaceable> =&gt; </optional> <replaceable
+     , ...
+     )
+// <replaceable>key</replaceable> is either <type>string</type
+                        > or nonnegative <type>integer</type>
+// <replaceable>value</replaceable> can be anything
+      </synopsis>
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+array("foo" => "bar", 12 => true);
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
       A <varname>key</varname> is either an <type>integer</type> 
-      or a <type>string</type>.
-      If a key is the standard representation of an
-      <type>integer</type>, it will
-      be interpreted as such (i.e. <literal>"8"</literal> will be interpreted 
-      as <literal>8</literal>, while
-      <literal>"08"</literal> will be interpreted as <literal>"08"</literal>).
+      or a <type>string</type>. If a key is the standard representation
+      of an <type>integer</type>, it will be interpreted as such (i.e.
+      <literal>"8"</literal> will be interpreted as <literal>8</literal>,
+      while <literal>"08"</literal> will be interpreted as
+      <literal>"08"</literal>). There are no different indexed and
+      associative array types in PHP, there is only one array type,
+      which can both contain integer and string indices.
-      A value can be anything.
+      A value can be of any PHP type.
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+array("somearray" => array(6 => 5, 13 => 9, "a" => 43));
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
       If you omit a key, the maximum of the integer-indices is taken, and
@@ -1192,12 +1198,23 @@
       the new key. If no integer-indices exist
       yet, the key will be <literal>0</literal> (zero). If you specify a key
       that already has a value assigned to it, that value will be overwritten.
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+// This array is the same as ...
+array(5 => 43, 32, 56, "b" => 12);
+// ...this array
+array(5 => 43, 6 => 32, 7 => 56, "b" => 12);
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
-      Using <literal>true</literal> as a key will evalute to
+      Using &true; as a key will evalute to
       <type>integer</type> <literal>1</literal> as key. Using
-      <literal>false</literal> as a key will evalute to <type>integer</type>
-      <literal>0</literal> as key.  Using <literal>NULL</literal> as a key
+      &false; as a key will evalute to <type>integer</type>
+      <literal>0</literal> as key. Using <literal>NULL</literal> as a key
       will evaluate to an empty string. Using an emptry string as key will
       create (or overwrite) a key with an empty string and its value, it is
       not the same as using empty brackets.
@@ -1206,31 +1223,17 @@
       You cannot use arrays or objects as keys. Doing so will result in a
       warning: <literal>Illegal offset type</literal>.
-     <para>
-      <synopsis>
-array( <optional> <replaceable>key</replaceable> =&gt; </optional> <replaceable
-     , ...
-     )
-// <replaceable>key</replaceable> is either <type>string</type
-                        > or nonnegative <type>integer</type>
-// <replaceable>value</replaceable> can be anything
-      </synopsis>
-     </para>
     <sect3 id="language.types.array.syntax.modifying">
      <title>Creating/modifying with square-bracket syntax</title>
       You can also modify an existing array, by explicitly setting
-      values.
+      values in it.
       This is done by assigning values to the array while specifying the 
-      key in brackets. You can also 
-      omit the key, 
-      add an empty pair
+      key in brackets. You can also omit the key, add an empty pair
       of brackets ("<literal>[]</literal>") to the variable-name in that case.
 $arr[<replaceable>key</replaceable>] = <replaceable>value</replaceable>;
@@ -1240,41 +1243,57 @@
 // <replaceable>value</replaceable> can be anything
       If <varname>$arr</varname> doesn't exist yet, it will be created. 
-      So this is also
-      an alternative way to specify an array.
+      So this is also an alternative way to specify an array.
       To change a certain value, just assign a new value
-      to it.
-      If you want to remove a key/value pair, you need to 
-      <function>unset</function> it. 
-     </para>
+      to an element specified with its key. If you want to
+      remove a key/value pair, you need to <function>unset</function> it. 
+      <informalexample>
+       <programlisting role="php">
+$arr = array(5 => 1, 12 => 2);
-    </sect3>
+$arr[] = 56;    // This is the same as $arr[13] = 56;
+                // at this point of the script
+$arr["x"] = 42; // This adds a new element to
+                // the array with key "x"
+unset($arr[5]); // This removes the element from the array
+unset($arr);    // This deletes the whole array
+       </programlisting>
+      </informalexample>
+     </para>
+    </sect3>
    </sect2><!-- end syntax -->
    <sect2 id="language.types.array.useful-funcs">
     <title>Useful functions</title>
      There are quite some useful function for working
-     with arrays, see the <link linkend="ref.array">array-functions</link> 
-     section.
+     with arrays, see the <link linkend="ref.array">array
+     functions</link> section.
       The <function>unset</function> function allows unsetting keys of an 
-      array. Be aware that the array will NOT be reindexed.
+      array. Be aware that the array will NOT be reindexed. If you only
+      use "usual integer indices" (starting from zero, increasing by one),
+      you can achive the reindex effect by using <function>array_values</function>.
        <programlisting role="php">
-$a = array( 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three' );
-unset( $a[2] );
+$a = array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three');
 /* will produce an array that would have been defined as
-   $a = array( 1=>'one', 3=>'three');
+   $a = array(1 => 'one', 3 => 'three');
    and NOT
-   $a = array( 1 => 'one', 2 => 'three');
+   $a = array(1 => 'one', 2 =>'three');
+$b = array_values($a);
+// Now b is array(1 => 'one', 2 =>'three')
@@ -1286,8 +1305,6 @@
      control structure exists specifically for arrays. It 
      provides an easy way to traverse an array.
    <sect2 id="language.types.array.donts">
@@ -1312,7 +1329,8 @@
       this code has an undefined constant (bar) rather than a string ('bar' -
       notice the quotes), and PHP may in future define constants which,
       unfortunately for your code, have the same name.  It works, because the
-      undefined constant gets converted to a string of the same name. 
+      undefined constant gets converted to a string of the same name
+      automatically for backward compatibility reasons. 
       As stated in the <link linkend="language.types.array.syntax"
@@ -1322,21 +1340,21 @@
        <programlisting role="php">
-echo $arr[ foo(true) ];        
+echo $arr[foo(true)];        
       This is an example of using a function return value
-      as the array index. PHP knows also about constants,
-      and you may have seen the
-      <literal>E_*</literal> before.      
+      as the array index. PHP also knows about constants,
+      as you may have seen the <literal>E_*</literal> ones
+      before.      
        <programlisting role="php">
-$error_descriptions[E_ERROR] = "A fatal error has occured";
+$error_descriptions[E_ERROR]   = "A fatal error has occured";
 $error_descriptions[E_WARNING] = "PHP issued a warning";
-$error_descriptions[E_NOTICE] = "This is just an informal notice";
+$error_descriptions[E_NOTICE]  = "This is just an informal notice";
@@ -1367,7 +1385,8 @@
       <title>So why is it bad then?</title>
        At some point in the future, the PHP team might want to add another
-       constant or keyword, and then you get in trouble. For example,
+       constant or keyword, or you may introduce another constant into your
+       application, and then you get in trouble. For example,
        you already cannot use the words <literal>empty</literal> and 
        <literal>default</literal> this way, since they are special 
        <link linkend="reserved">reserved keywords</link>.
@@ -1377,14 +1396,41 @@
         When you turn <link linkend="function.error-reporting"
         >error_reporting</link> to <literal>E_ALL</literal>,
         you will see that PHP generates notices whenever an
-        <literal>index</literal> is used which is not defined
-        (put the line <literal>error_reporting(E_ALL);</literal> 
-        in your script).
+        <literal>index</literal> is used which is not defined.
+        Consider this script:
+        <informalexample>
+         <programlisting role="php">
+// Turn on the display of all errors
+// Define the test array
+$abc = array("x" => "y");
+// Access element with the *bad* method
+echo $abc[x];
+         </programlisting>
+        </informalexample>
+        The output is:
+        <informalexample>
+         <programlisting>
+<br />
+<b>Notice</b>:  Use of undefined constant x - assumed 'x' in 
+<b>/path/to/script.php</b> on
+line <b>10</b><br />
+         </programlisting>
+        </informalexample>
-        Inside a double-quoted <type>string</type>, an other syntax
+        Inside a double-quoted <type>string</type>, another syntax
         is valid. See <link linkend="language.types.string.parsing"
         >variable parsing in strings</link> for more details.
@@ -1393,6 +1439,26 @@
+   <sect2 id="language.types.array.casting">
+    <title>Converting to array</title>
+    <para>
+     For any of the types: integer, float, string, boolean and resource,
+     if you convert a value to an array, you get an array with one element
+     (with index 0), which is the scalar value you started with.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     If you convert an object to an array, you get the properties (member
+     variables) of that object as the array's elements. The keys are the
+     member variable names.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     If you convert a &null; value to an array, you get an empty array.
+    </para>
+   </sect2>
    <sect2 id="language.types.array.examples">
@@ -1404,24 +1470,24 @@
        <programlisting role="php">
 // this
-$a = array( 'color' => 'red'
-          , 'taste' => 'sweet'
-          , 'shape' => 'round'
-          , 'name'  => 'apple'
-          ,            4        // key will be 0
+$a = array( 'color' => 'red',
+            'taste' => 'sweet',
+            'shape' => 'round',
+            'name'  => 'apple',
+                       4        // key will be 0
 // is completely equivalent with
 $a['color'] = 'red';
 $a['taste'] = 'sweet';
 $a['shape'] = 'round';
-$a['name'] = 'apple';
+$a['name']  = 'apple';
 $a[]        = 4;        // key will be 0
 $b[] = 'a';
 $b[] = 'b';
 $b[] = 'c';
-// will result in the array array( 0 => 'a' , 1 => 'b' , 2 => 'c' ),
+// will result in the array array(0 => 'a' , 1 => 'b' , 2 => 'c'),
 // or simply array('a', 'b', 'c')
@@ -1433,40 +1499,38 @@
      <programlisting role="php">
 // Array as (property-)map
-$map = array( 'version'    => 4
-            , 'OS'         => 'Linux'
-            , 'lang'       => 'english'
-            , 'short_tags' => true
+$map = array( 'version'    => 4,
+              'OS'         => 'Linux',
+              'lang'       => 'english',
+              'short_tags' => true
 // strictly numerical keys
-$array = array( 7
-              , 8
-              , 0
-              , 156
-              , -10
+$array = array( 7,
+                8,
+                0,
+                156,
+                -10
-// this is the same as array( 0 => 7, 1 => 8, ...)
+// this is the same as array(0 => 7, 1 => 8, ...)
-$switching = array(         10 // key = 0
-                  , 5    =>  6
-                  , 3    =>  7 
-                  , 'a'  =>  4
-                  ,         11 // key = 6 (maximum of integer-indices was 5)
-                  , '8'  =>  2 // key = 8 (integer!)
-                  , '02' => 77 // key = '02'
-                  , 0    => 12 // the value 10 will be overwritten by 12
+$switching = array(         10, // key = 0
+                    5    =>  6,
+                    3    =>  7, 
+                    'a'  =>  4,
+                            11, // key = 6 (maximum of integer-indices was 5)
+                    '8'  =>  2, // key = 8 (integer!)
+                    '02' => 77, // key = '02'
+                    0    => 12  // the value 10 will be overwritten by 12
 // empty array
 $empty = array();         
 <!-- TODO example of
-- mixed keys
 - overwriting keys
-- integer keys as string
 - using vars/functions as key/values
-- mixed skipping
+- warning about references
@@ -1475,9 +1539,9 @@
      <programlisting role="php">
-$colors = array('red','blue','green','yellow');
+$colors = array('red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow');
-foreach ( $colors as $color ) {
+foreach ($colors as $color) {
     echo "Do you like $color?\n";
@@ -1509,7 +1573,7 @@
     // won't work:
     //$color = strtoupper($color);
-    //works:
+    // works:
     $colors[$key] = strtoupper($color);
@@ -1549,13 +1613,12 @@
-     <title>Filling real array</title>
+     <title>Filling an array</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
 // fill an array with all items from a directory
 $handle = opendir('.');
-while ($file = readdir($handle)) 
+while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
     $files[] = $file;
@@ -1564,8 +1627,10 @@
      Arrays are ordered. You can also change the order using various
-     sorting-functions. See <link linkend="ref.array">array-functions</link> 
-     for more information.
+     sorting-functions. See the <link linkend="ref.array">array
+     functions</link> section for more information. You can count
+     the number of items in an array using the
+     <function>count</function> function.
      <title>Sorting array</title>
@@ -1585,228 +1650,50 @@
      <title>Recursive and multi-dimensional arrays</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
-$fruits = array ( "fruits"  => array ( "a" => "orange"
-                                     , "b" => "banana"
-                                     , "c" => "apple"
-                                     )
-                , "numbers" => array ( 1
-                                     , 2
-                                     , 3
-                                     , 4
-                                     , 5
-                                     , 6
-                                     )
-                , "holes"   => array (      "first"
-                                     , 5 => "second"
-                                     ,      "third"
+$fruits = array ( "fruits"  => array ( "a" => "orange",
+                                       "b" => "banana",
+                                       "c" => "apple"
+                                     ),
+                  "numbers" => array ( 1,
+                                       2,
+                                       3,
+                                       4,
+                                       5,
+                                       6,
+                                     ),
+                  "holes"   => array (      "first",
+                                       5 => "second",
+                                            "third"
+// Some examples to address values in the array above 
+echo $fruits["holes"][5];    // prints "second"
+echo $fruits["fruits"]["a"]; // prints "orange"
+unset($fruits["holes"][0]);  // remove "first"
+// Create a new multi-dimensional array
+$juices["apple"]["green"] = "good"; 
-<!-- quite duplicate...
-$a = array(
-     "apple"  => array(
-          "color"  => "red",
-          "taste"  => "sweet",
-          "shape"  => "round"
-     ),
-     "orange"  => array(
-          "color"  => "orange",
-          "taste"  => "tart",
-          "shape"  => "round"
-     ),
-     "banana"  => array(
-          "color"  => "yellow",
-          "taste"  => "paste-y",
-          "shape"  => "banana-shaped"
-     )
-   </sect2>
-   <!-- TODO
-   <sect2>
-    <title>Misc</title>
-   </sect2>
-   - example multi-dim with $arr[bla][bla] syntax
-   - converting to array
-   - warning about references
-   - note that assigning is copy (usually...)
-   -->  
-<!-- there is no such thing as multi/singel dim arrays (at least in PHP4) 
-   <sect2 id="language.types.array.single-dim">
-    <title>Single Dimension Arrays</title>
-     PHP supports both scalar and associative arrays. In fact, there
-     is no difference between the two.  You can create an array using
-     the 
-     <function>list</function> 
-     Nope
-     or <function>array</function>
-     functions, or you can explicitly set each array element value.
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php"> 
-$a[0] = "abc"; 
-$a[1] = "def"; 
-$b["foo"] = 13;
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     You can also create an array by simply adding values to the
-     array. When you assign a value to an array variable using empty
-     brackets, the value will be added onto the end of the array.
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php"> 
-$a[] = "hello"; // $a[2] == "hello"
-$a[] = "world"; // $a[3] == "world" 
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     Arrays may be sorted using the <function>asort</function>,
-     <function>arsort</function>, <function>ksort</function>,
-     <function>rsort</function>, <function>sort</function>,
-     <function>uasort</function>, <function>usort</function>, and
-     <function>uksort</function> functions depending on the type of
-     sort you want.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     You can count the number of items in an array using the
-     <function>count</function> function.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     You can traverse an array using <function>next</function> and
-     <function>prev</function> functions.  Another common way to
-     traverse an array is to use the <function>each</function>
-     function.
-    </para>
-   </sect2>
-   <sect2 id="language.types.array.multi-dim">
-    <title>Multi-Dimensional Arrays</title>
-    <para>
-     Multi-dimensional arrays are actually pretty simple.  For each
-     dimension of the array, you add another [key] value to the end:
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php"> 
-$a[1]      = $f;               # one dimensional examples
-$a["foo"]  = $f;   
-$a[1][0]     = $f;             # two dimensional
-$a["foo"][2] = $f;             # (you can mix numeric and associative indices)
-$a[3]["bar"] = $f;             # (you can mix numeric and associative indices)
-$a["foo"][4]["bar"][0] = $f;   # four dimensional!
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     In PHP 3 it is not possible to reference multidimensional arrays
-     directly within strings. For instance, the following will not
-     have the desired result:
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php"> 
-$a[3]['bar'] = 'Bob';
-echo "This won't work: $a[3][bar]";
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-     In PHP 3, the above will output <computeroutput>This won't work:
-     Array[bar]</computeroutput>. The string concatenation operator,
-     however, can be used to overcome this:
+     You should be aware, that array assignment always involves
+     value copying. You need to use the reference operator to copy
+     an array by reference.
       <programlisting role="php">
-$a[3]['bar'] = 'Bob';
-echo "This will work: " . $a[3]['bar'];
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     In PHP 4, however, the whole problem may be circumvented by
-     enclosing the array reference (inside the string) in curly
-     braces:
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php">
-$a[3]['bar'] = 'Bob';
-echo "This will work: {$a[3][bar]}";
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     You can "fill up" multi-dimensional arrays in many ways, but the
-     trickiest one to understand is how to use the
-     <function>array</function> command for associative arrays.  These
-     two snippets of code fill up the one-dimensional array in the
-     same way:
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php"> 
-# Example 1:
-$a["color"]    = "red";
-$a["taste"]    = "sweet";
-$a["shape"]    = "round";
-$a["name"]     = "apple";
-$a[3]          = 4;
-# Example 2:
-$a = array(
-     "color" => "red",
-     "taste" => "sweet",
-     "shape" => "round",
-     "name"  => "apple",
-     3       => 4
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     The <function>array</function> function can be nested for
-     multi-dimensional arrays:
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php"> 
-$a = array(
-     "apple"  => array(
-          "color"  => "red",
-          "taste"  => "sweet",
-          "shape"  => "round"
-     ),
-     "orange"  => array(
-          "color"  => "orange",
-          "taste"  => "tart",
-          "shape"  => "round"
-     ),
-     "banana"  => array(
-          "color"  => "yellow",
-          "taste"  => "paste-y",
-          "shape"  => "banana-shaped"
-     )
-echo $a["apple"]["taste"];    # will output "sweet"
+$arr1 = array(2, 3);
+$arr2 = $arr1;
+$arr2[] = 4; // $arr2 is changed,
+             // $arr1 is still array(2,3)
+$arr3 = &$arr1;
+$arr3[] = 4; // now $arr1 and $arr3 are the same
-   -->
   <sect1 id="language.types.object">
@@ -2221,18 +2108,18 @@
-       <simpara><link linkend="language.types.string.casting">Converting to 
-        string</link></simpara>
-      </listitem>
-      <!-- don't exist yet
-      <listitem>
        <simpara><link linkend="language.types.float.casting">Converting to 
+       <simpara><link linkend="language.types.string.casting">Converting to 
+        string</link></simpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
        <simpara><link linkend="language.types.array.casting">Converting to 
+      <!-- don't exist yet
        <simpara><link linkend="language.types.object.casting">Converting to 
@@ -2248,18 +2135,6 @@
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     <!-- TODO: move to 'converting to array' -->
-     When casting from a scalar or a string variable to an array, the
-     variable will become the first element of the array:
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting role="php">
-$var = 'ciao';
-$arr = (array) $var;
-echo $arr[0];  // outputs 'ciao'  
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
      <!-- TODO: move to 'converting to object' -->

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