> Build logs for translations are available at:
> http://rsync.php.net/~imajes/manual/
> the cronjob copies them every 5 minutes, but be warned, they may not
> for weeks on end !

I just wanted to say, that building PDFs is not needed right now,
as we do not have links to PDF files (because they are incomplete).
But as I have seen the needed programs are not installed anyway:

# a hack around bugs in jade/jadetex...
mv php_manual_hu.tex php_manual_hu.tex.tmp
sed -e '/HeadingText/,/endHeadPar/ s/_/\\137/g' php_manual_hu.tex.tmp >
rm php_manual_hu.tex.tmp
jadetex php_manual_hu.tex
make: jadetex: Command not found
make: [php_manual_hu.dvi] Error 127 (ignored)
jadetex php_manual_hu.tex
make: jadetex: Command not found
make: [php_manual_hu.dvi] Error 127 (ignored)
jadetex php_manual_hu.tex
make: jadetex: Command not found
make: [php_manual_hu.dvi] Error 127 (ignored)
dvipdfm -o php_manual_hu.pdf -p a4 php_manual_hu.dvi
make: dvipdfm: Command not found
make: *** [php_manual_hu.pdf] Error 127

BTW the PDF build parts may be removed from the mirror build
targets, until someone finds a real solution for the problem...
This would make the builds faster...


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