> | Let say I just checked on a function doc (like strlen) and I didn't see 
> | the link,
> | while http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.php has it.
> | Then, let's stick with old convention then.
> <type> linking is disabled for some reason if the <type> is under some
> section. I'll check this when I have the time, and see what we can do to
> make it a link on all pages...

Hm, here is the code. It modified the type to float and integer if needed,
and if finds language.types.typename then creates a link with bold text.
There is no check actually on where the type appear, so for some reason,
this may be unable to find the right section, if the <type> tag is to deep
or I don't know...

;; Linking types to the correct place
(element type
    ((orig-name (data (current-node)))
      (type-name (cond 
        ((equal-ci? orig-name "double") "float")
        ((equal-ci? orig-name "int")   "integer")
        (else orig-name))
      (linkend (string-append "language.types." type-name))
      (target (element-with-id linkend))
    (cond ((node-list-empty? target)
      (make sequence (process-children) )
        (make element gi: "A"
          attributes: (list (list "HREF" (href-to target)))
          ( $bold-seq$(make sequence (process-children) ) )

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