The operator precedence table[1] is missing several
operators.  The following operators are missing:

"->"	class member operator
"::"	scope resolution operator
"<>"	not equals (same precedence as "!=" ?)
Well, I don't know the precedence, so someone with sufficient knowlegde can please add these? ;)

Also missing are a few casts: (bool), (boolean), (real),
(double), (integer).  Though, all but the first of these
are synonyms.
Well, the general policy is that (double) and (real) are deprecated, and (float) should be used instead...

The "=>" is not listed, but I believe this is not actually
an operator.
Well, yes, it cannot be used out of an array definition context...

I am about 90% done writing a bison grammar for PHP, but
will have to do some code reading to find the precedence of
the class related operators.  If someone knows where they
should go, I'd appreciate a reply.
Happy to hear that you are working on a bison grammar ;) I think the PHP developers would be happy to help you in some problems, as well as happy to see that grammar as a contribution ;)) [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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