"Gabor Hojtsy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >>>i tried to hack into the poor status of the hebrew tarnslation i fixed
> >>>some bugs but still the build is broken without detailes (there are
> >>>some warnings but AFAIU that's not the problem)
> >>>
> >>>can some1 that know thatws dsssl, say me what i have to fix?
> >>
> >>What is broken? Can you please provide details?
> >
> > after some L10N ERROR msgs (we have no dbl1he* files) jade dump all
>  > the data instead of making the files) into the terminal and at last
>  > say 'ERROR 1'
> I have seen somebody adding he files into phpdoc sometime... How is that
> they are still missing?

just entities not dsl one, anyway is this the problem that's break the

if yes, why not do the default the english set allowing the build for now?
else could u try building it uself tracing the problem coz i in dubiousness
if ever have been made used docbook for hebrew.


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