I've seen a fair number of CVS commits going through to correct sentences 
where it's supposed to be an instead of a (and possibly vice-versa) so I 
made a small script and found this:

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/classobj/reference.xml
 a object 412800

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/ctype/functions/ctype-upper.xml
 a uppercase 26870

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/dbplus/functions/dbplus-getunique.xml
 a id -8000

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/ifx/functions/ifx-prepare.xml
 a integer 326100

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/ifx/functions/ifxus-write-slob.xml
 a existing 459200

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/ldap/functions/ldap-search.xml
 a optional 438100

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-detect-order.xml
 a invalid 274700

 -> phpdoc/en/reference/pgsql/functions/pg-query.xml
 a optional 438100

English isn't my mother tongue, and I'm not a doc member so I decided to
leave it to you to correct those files which needs correction. (The 
number right after the word is the number of hits difference between a 
<word> and an <word> on Google).

Hope this helps,


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