
When trying to compile the PHP documentation, I keep getting the same

ERROR: Failed to open /home/cheezy/phpdoc-nl/entities/file-entities.ent
for writing

I have searched the list archives, but could only find older articles
dealing with this problem, and they couldn't help me. It seems that all
calls to fopen in scripts/file-entities.php fail, but I have no idea
why. If I try to fopen file-entities.ent from another php file, it

I am using the PHP that came with Red Hat 9 (one upgrade), 4.2.2[-17.2].
The directory is writeable, if I `touch` the file and test if it
is_writable from file-entities.php, it all works, only the fopen fails.

I have checked out the latest version of the documentation as phpdoc-nl,
autoconf works, and then configure fails.

Any pointers to more information are appreciated.


Jan Fabry

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