On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 11:15:09AM +0200, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> >>>Where's the problem running 'make phpweb' once or twice a month. I
> >>>built the german manual today. Where should I send it? If needed,
> >>>I'll build it every two weeks.
> >>
> >>The problem is that too many formats need to be built for too many 
> >>languages, and this makes the build server run on 100% processor load 
> >>for days. As we have no dedicated build server, this is not acceptable, 
> >>the same server is unable to do anything else while the manuals are 
> >>generated.
> >
> >The load on the build server won't be affected very much if the build
> >process is running on other machines.
> Yes. But your first sentence implied that you don't understand what is 
> the problem with running phpweb builds automatically (which I 
> interpreted as running on the build machine).

OK, then it was only a matter of interpretation.

> >BTW, can I ignore these warnings or should I adapt the Makefile and/or
> >build scripts:
> >
> ><b>Warning</b>:  file("./entities/global.ent") - No such file or
> >directory in
> ><b>/home/martin/phpdoc-de/scripts/phpweb-entities.php</b> on line
> ><b>51</b><br />
> > [...]

> You have an incorrect checkout of phpdoc, which causes the first two 
> warnings. You should check out phpdoc then cd phpdoc and then checkout 
> phpdoc-de-dir (which means there should not be any phpdoc-de dirname in 
> [...]

Ooops, I fixed this but I still get the same warnings (other paths, of
course). But this also belongs to a new thread.


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