On Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 1:21:47 AM, Gabor wrote:

>> On 30 Jun 2003 Christoph Grottolo mailed to phpdoc and mentioned that
>> the URL http://toye.php.net/ is not reachable using the browser.
>> While i was browsing though the docs on http://www.php.net/manual/howto/
>> i saw links which point to http://toye.php.net/~rasmus/status.php and
>> http://toye.php.net/~rasmus/status.php?l=hu which of course are dead.
>> So basically the url.status and url.status.hu entities need an update.
>> But as i don't know where Rasmus's status checking script is currently
>> located, i can't make any sensible changes to the file to fix this.
>> Anybody knows about this script and it's location?

> IMHO nobody changed it because noone knows where it is, or if is exists 
> at all. Rasmus?

> Goba

It appears to be a dns or virtualhost problem, because:


appears to work.


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