Hi all,

watching how time goes by and having a look at phpdoc and mainly doc-de
i experienced that there are many posts by people that are not part of
the group and who are issuing things on the doc*-lists which don't
belong there.
Mostly that are questions refering to programming in PHP as you all

The idea i had, was to use standardized replies which tell the poster of
that message, that such questions are not dealt with on those lists.
In that way, we could avoid typing that stuff allover again and could
rely on such an option.

Two ways of implementation could be:
1.) having a txt-file somewhere and refer to that in a mail (Like "See
2.) attach a footer to each post (surely not on phpdoc because that
possibl would be an overkill) on the translation lists, which could look
like those on php-notes.
Wrong List -- http://foo.bar/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A mail would be sent to the user automatically and the job is done.
I could imagine that other translation-teams experience the same, but i
don't know if this is worth implementing.

I had a chat with Friedhelm already and he agreed that this would make
sense. But i'd like to hear some more voices about this.


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