On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, Mehdi Achour wrote:

> > On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Derek Ford wrote:^
>       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> >
> >>It seems the extending php4 sections are missing. I doubt something like
> >>that would be removed intentionally, regardless, the extending php3
> >>section remains :)
> >
> >
> > They are added to the running running build, it will be online as soon
> > as the build is done. (In a day or so)
>                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> 10 days after, nothing have changed. The online doc haven't been updated
> since August. Is there a particular reason ? Why do you keep rejecting
> all the help that different persons offered if you don't do nothing ?
> Derick, I'm not dissin' or blaming you here, but I just want to know *why* ?

Lack of free time :) You should try to bug me at a correct time, ie. in
the evening so that I have time to do it on the spot :)


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